Support [GI] helix lf4 day and booty keys

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oldscul5, Feb 22, 2017.

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  1. oldscul5

    oldscul5 User

    UserID: 167918194
    Server: US4

    On previously LF-4 day i waste 150 keys, in return i get 0 lf4s, and 6 lf3s.

    What the point is? isn't lf3 day to get 6 lf3 and 0 lf4s.

    And what are better?

    Red & blue keys (and what reward i will get from that keys, please don't tell me ammo )

    And for this bug what i will get in return? 150 keys = 170k uri or 120k wasted for nothing+
  2. Hello first i want to tell u to not buy red and blue they are just waste of money and rewards are same as in green.Chance to get havoc from red one is so small then u wont even never get it and for 150 keys u wont get uri back,u just had bad luck and thats all.
  3. Beaver818

    Beaver818 User

    Same day, 270 green keys, not a single lf4, lots(unusual amount) of lf3s and bo2s instead.
    Was pretty dissapointed.
    Server: Scandinavia
  4. oldscul5

    oldscul5 User

    I expected answer from support. I waste money for that uri, and 0 lf-4. 150 isn't like 10 keys and this is not caused because of unlucky day!

    It's because of programmer!

    But on shop it says, triple your chance... Isn't it?
  5. Mace~Windu

    Mace~Windu User

    also happened to me with 100keys ...
  6. Well u can go on supp page and e mail them if u want and for red and blue welll they write it like just players to buy it.
  7. 300 keys and i got crap load of crap no one lf4s its pretty pathetic of this game now
  8. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello oldscul5,

    Thank you all for assisting the user with their concern. As you want a answer from Support we ask that you please Contact Support.

    Closing as referred to Support.

    Take Care.
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