Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bakjam, Mar 14, 2017.

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  1. Abner3

    Abner3 User

    Hammerclaw gained a rocket launcher.
  2. hushing

    hushing User

    Yes, there is now second slot for other rocket launcher but the ship lost one or two slot for generarators.

    I can't equip in the14th slot noting nor speed generator nor sheild.
    The slot is visible but when I try to put someting in it always pop up an error message at this moment!
  3. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    For me it works. I can have 14. But the biggest shame is. Ship lost 2 Gun slots.

    I see why it was done. Now you can transfer everything from hammer claw to mimesis. No need to reequip.

    I think same exact thing should be done for Cyborg with Surgeon. Either add 1 laser slot to surgeon. Or take 1 slot of Cyborg.
    That would be cool.

    dimanddistantMMO likes this.
  4. Are there any pictures of the new ships.
  5. SmieBOX likes this.
  6. They need to do something with the Citadel.

    I suppose the maps will be full of Cyborgs?

    Correction, not full. All ten people that still play will fly them.

    I'm going to bed....maybe tomorrow I won't be so tee'd off.

    Bakjam likes this.
  7. ok, now they change the Skill duration of Cyborg's Singularity II from 30 sec to 40 sec based on what I saw on hangar. I'm not sure if they also change the Skill dmg and skill CD.
  8. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  9. Bakjam

    Bakjam User