Twitch Questions [May]

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, May 8, 2017.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hey everyone,

    The team are gearing up for the next twitch session. Please feel free to leave some questions here for them and they'll cover what they can

  2. Can Bman have a conversation with people from Support, Dev team, Community managers and whoever else is needed to see about fixing a problem? And I don`t have enough trust in DO to say it would get anything fixed but I am willing to give it a shot.
  3. Once again I would like to know when program users will be removed.
  4. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    You need to write support. From there they can get an issue forwarded to the relevant people. Personal requests like this aren't really for twitch

  5. Can you reduce the drawbacks of dying and being attacked by Ufe? Dying demotivate many (new) players, especially if they die many times in a row, because an Ufe assassin kills them. Dying consumes too much resources. You will take drone damage, you will lose ores, you won't kill your attacked NPCs for your quests, you need "hours" to fly back to your map, you waste too much time (which could spend for boxing). Even if you want to survive, you will waste time for flying to the next gate. You must wait there until the enemy leave your map.

    That's a huge barrier for beginners. Therefore many of them leave after trying to play the game.
    Maddust likes this.
  6. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Can something be done about the spectrum and tartarus ships?They are very unbalanced and,i think everyone will agree with me,it's not fun playing against players who use those ships.
    I think the problem with being killed many times isn't that you waste a lot of resources but the ego decrease,because when you lose in a video game your mind interprets it as:"You are no good,you suck loser".Then the player feels unpleasant so he/she stops playing the game.
  7. 1) Can you do something against Spectrum / Tartarus? Both are just running ships which you can never kill in solo 1vs1 because they escape.

    2) Can you do something against ringformation? IMO it has still too much shieldbonus.

    3) When you will do the game more attractive? Company against company again.
  8. I will begin with some of your "known issues"
    1) The chat issue on american servers, i cant use the chat for more than 2 weeks already cuz it cant connect
    2) The lags on gg materializer
    Then probably some things you can add
    1) Probably you can add some new missions for lvl 22 and above
    2) When you 1st released the asembly you said that you will put all the resources in shop/increase their drop chance
    3) Probably you can make missions where we recieve some amount of scrap/prismatium/plasmide etc.
    4) Probably you can git rid of that annoying thing about that permanent feature u just added on 2-6 i find it annoying to see how many kristalins are left without the ability to close it up
    5) There are stil a lot of things but enough for now
    OILDAILY likes this.
  9. The current mission layout is way out of control. Even at its peak DO players would not be able to complete some of the pap missions. Lets take the mission Press 4 Player Start which requires 400 Uberkristallian and 400 Uberkristallion. Now this is normally one that can not be competed solo. Another one to look at is Minor Madness. Perhaps cut down on the amount of ships needed to be killed for that one. There are other areas that need attention. I do recall in a few twitch streams in the past you mentioned that you would increase the rewards for current npc rewards yet we have not seen that take place. I like many others wonder if there are no quests available after lvl 21 then what are we to do? Looking at the current new layout for weekly and daily quests I notice that there is many gates being asked for rewards. Well are you going to increase the uri payouts across the board for npc, boxing for us to build these gates? That is one area that seems at this point to be for the paying player. That could be fine if you were to only inform us of what the perks are for the pay versus no pay players. Thank you for your time.
  10. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    Will they make xenomit easier/cheaper to obtain by making it purchasable or just removing the out-dated resource altogether?

    On a side note - does anyone create a summary of the twitch stream answers?
    ramnik and X[D_R-Kayma like this.
  11. If I were to write the message to support right now they would direct me elsewhere, then back to them and so on... So exactly how are we supposed to solve problems in this game? And does this mean my question will be ignored?
  12. 1. Are the plagued sks in x-6 really nessecary considering the event quests aren't available and they serve no real purpose
    2. Can you make the Box that pops up in x-6 map for plagued npcs smaller, able to minimize or able to make smaller like pet tab
    3. Can you touch up the 'Transfer system' in the hanger to allow general item transfers between ships that are not identical, and/or allow presets of builds to be saved and selected like choosing a ship skin.
    4. As your playerbase has decreased over time it has left the game with a large void to fill with activity for its online players, What I mean is whomever does come online shortly logs off afterwards because of lack of players to PVP against/play with.
    -Would you consider running Day time events of ( spaceball,cubes,etc) to bring back some entertainment to the game outside of peak times
    5. Buffing clan bases, Straight stat boost to re-balance them into being a base and not a stepping stone. Rewards and benefits to be boosted aswell. Your players are stronger now, you need to keep up.
    6. Random hour long special bonus box (Christmas/easter etc) haven't seen special boxes ina while, if you could throw in some random hour or 2 hour long events a couple times a week it would be great to get people actively involved, maybe in select maps (suggestion/question)
    7. Are you planning to make more items available in the aution/ change items pricing in backpage from uri to credits for certain items to give players a use for credits again ? (just because I say creds doesn't mean has to be cheap)
    Sтєvє-σ™ likes this.
  13. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Like I said, support can get it to where it needs to go. If it goes beyond that (like legal or payment) they can direct you as or where needed.
  14. I do remember times when we had like 24 hours only spaceball etc
  15. DZuBiX

    DZuBiX User

    When us1 will be fixed? You promised that us1 will work great after moving server data centers, but it made it unplayable. At weekends it is nearly impossible to spin gates, because of 2minute delay between spins. Will there be compensation for those issues? Like compensated rebate and premium what got wasted for last two weeks also boosters?

    How player after getting banned for using bots can get unbanned? I won't tell in what server and what player it is, but at one server there is top 1 player who used bot for kristallon like year and a half ago for about 2 years and got banned multiple times and came back to game each time after 3 days or so.
    Last edited by moderator: May 10, 2017
  16. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Will you make the new ships, Hammerclaw, Mimesis and cyborg buy able ships from the shop?
  17. event day
  18. As far as i remember they said that they will be ONLY craftable
  19. And that is where they need to stay. The shop is too much of a shortcut anymore.
  20. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello neoonoma,

    Your question was answered during the recent Dark Orbit Twitch stream at the 28:00 mark.


    Answered at the 38:40 mark.
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
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