Issue: Stuck in Map/Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 13, 2015.

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  1. ID: 21379585
    server usa east
  2. Funky9519

    Funky9519 User

    I went to UBA match and time is on 0:00 and i am stucked!
    ID 162058651
  3. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Have attempted to get both of you unstuck. Unfortunately if my attempts are not successful then you will need to wait for the server restart.
  4. Tha_Slepi

    Tha_Slepi User

    wanted to do uba with phoenix now stuck on phoenix uba is searching, cant change ship even if i loggout and cant attack players (Ultimate Battle Arena: You cannot attack another player while you're waiting for your duel to start. Patience.)
    dont know if boosters run as i have days left on all of them
    please save me....

    Server Global Europe 2
    User id 167806058
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Tha_Slepi,

    Have attempted to get you unstuck. Unfortunately if my attempts are not successful then you will need to wait for the server restart.
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