[SC] Manual

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Oct 6, 2017.

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  1. We need an online manual!

    There are things people discuss here and things the company ask I don't know what they are. There are events that go on here I don't know what to do or where to go to be apart of it. There is also name that need definition so I know what you are talking about. I don't think I'm the only one who has that problem.

    Then the owners change somethings and I don't know what's going on.

    Help has Helped a lot and Deter too and there are others, but I shouldn't depend on them all the time. If we had a manual to look through it would help.

    Ammo and weapons too need more clarification too. I buy it but what is the best usage for what I have. Add ships to that too I have 34 of them, but which one is really the one I should be in. I know it is trial and error, but I like to know more. There are so many of them and I see so many out there too.

    The quote said, "Knowledge is Power" I don't have the knowledge and I know I don't have the power. It seems I die too easily against other players.

    Odin® and neoonoma like this.
  2. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Unfortunately that's a general DarkOrbit problem.
    The best thing you can do is check the guides on the Newbies side of the Forum. There's also a thread that someone created for efficient ammo usage.
    That's all about it, I doubt they will add a guide to the game after so many years...
    Odin® likes this.
  3. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hiya WarriorAngus,

    Thank you neoonoma for assisting the user with their question. We do have what we consider the Dark Orbit bible located in our Newbies section o the forums. It may have a few things missing, please let us know if you should come across one. If you are struggling with event's we also have an Event FAQ' index to look up and "study" any past events. Another good place to look for information would be the FAQ' Index located in our Game faq'. And of course we have lots of threads in the Newbies section where other space pilots have dedicated a portion of their time to create wonderful How to's, strategic guides, and etc.

    We're glad you want to learn more about the game and that is what we want from every pilot. It's no fun playing a game without understanding a bit about it. Personal note of course. If you get lost don't be afraid to ask, all this info will benefit those who search and ask.

    We have everything available here on the forums thanks to a great community, the Dark Orbit Moderator team and the Dark Orbit Team which includes Support.
    Odin® likes this.
  4. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Deter , I like your opening paragraph " We do have what we consider the Dark Orbit bible located in our Newbies section o the forums. It may have a few things missing, please let us know if you should come across one. If you are struggling with event's we also have an Event FAQ' index to look up and "study" any past events. Another good place to look for information would be the FAQ' Index located in our Game faq'. And of course we have lots of threads in the Newbies section where other space pilots have dedicated a portion of their time to create wonderful How to's, strategic guides, and etc."
    I use those links to introduce new members to the game as well as some returning old school players that are returning to the game after yrs of absence .
    This also may help you WarriorAngus , and you can find this on your front page called 'Discord'


    Discord #announcements provide intel to daily and weekly changes that are basically up-to-the minute News ... If you're not in a clan and are a solo pilot I suggest building that Skylab so you can start having a decent flow of credit income for yourself. Also I suggest try not to Quest so much and go Boxing on the x-1 and x-2 maps and collect creds/uri/and ammo. Some of the boxes will include free materialize r spins that give up all kinds of free rewards. Then you have the Auction House where you can buy cheap using creds and resale items for a profit just keep what you need to outfit your ship. For beginners I recommend the Leonov / Leo for short and build it to a Fully Equipped ship and work the lower maps x-1 thru x-4 maps. From there Build up a Vengeance/Vengi for your starter ship for use in the Upper maps x-5 thru x-8 . The hardest part to this game is your dedication , patience , Joining a clan takes investigation . Ask questions in the chat box while on the map. Don't be discouraged if there is little to no response. Someone will eventually talk with you . Courtesy and respect go a long way in this community
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
  5. The really sad thing about the D O Bible is it is so far out of date it is almost useless. Many of the FAQ's are not complete for a NEW player to understand. Then you have the learning in the maps that you can not trust your own company as they belong to a MCC and they attack you instead of defending you.

    It was really nice when I started (2010) that there were players in the maps/clans that would assist new players to learn the game, like building the SkyLab to level 20 as quickly as possible (30 days except Prom and Sep), complete as many of the quests as possible to gain levels while filling your ship with the BEST guns/generators you can get. But after the addition of the UFE Equipment it is about grinding the Galaxy Gates to get the LF-4's, Booty Keys, and Log Disks instead of boxing for the ammo that was needed to do a Gate so you really earned the rewards given (of course we only had 4 Gates to do then) and the top players were really that, not the person who bought the most Galaxy Gates and plays only in the Gates.

    @Odin the Discord channel is great but then they need to have an introduction for NEW users as I have been unable to navigate it well enough to get to where I can see the stuff or get any answers to any of my questions. The only thing I found it useful for was a channel where you could get your group together and chat when the chat system was/is down, a free TeamSpeak channel if you will.
    neoonoma and Odin® like this.
  6. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Yeah I agree, the bot that can do that without having to do maintenance for is Mee6, it basically welcomes new users with an oblivious quote such as:" HelpMeHelpYou is OP. Please nerf." or "Welcome HelpMeHelpYou . Leave your weapons by the door."
    Not trying to advertise but saying which is the best bot for welcoming people since you don't have to check for updates or something.
  7. Thank you all.

    I have looked at the bible but looking at the topics I really didn't know what I was doing. I'm a little black and white kind of guy. Grays confuse me.

    But I will work through the list and do my best. Like you all said. We do have each other well I have you and your wonderful help. I'll help you the best I can back.

    neoonoma likes this.
  8. OldGranDad

    OldGranDad User

    The best way to learn the game is to get in a clan that uses Teamspeak or some other app to talk to their members. Experienced players are the best way to learn the game. The problem is that the servers are dominated by a single large clan usually multi company and the clans that would invited new players are hard to find. Also the server pop is so low in most cases it is extremely hard to get help with quest.

    My old clan EDK2 on USA East had 9 clans; 2 elite clans, 3 intermediate clans, and 4 training clans. we would get a new player from a peanut to a vengy or goli in a few days while teaching them the basics of how to escape big ships.

    That all changed in 2012 and the game has not recovered since. They took a simple game the was really more of a way to hangout and socialize with other players, and made it in to a money pit. I miss the days when FE ship could be made in a month or less and 50 plus ships would group up in team speak and look for battles.
  9. This can still be accomplished it just does not mean anything anymore. Used to be once the ship was FE (equipment only) you at least could defend yourself to the portal and not get popped and is why the populations dropped so dramatically, as you say they took the enjoyment out of the game.