[TI] Aliens randomly stop shooting at me.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Varoid38, Nov 11, 2017.

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  1. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    Okay, so here's the problem, often times I'll just be shooting an alien, I'll spend a lot of time getting it half way dead or mostly dead, then it will just stop shooting me. And when this happens, I have to stop shooting and waste all the effort I spent on it because I'm worried if I kill an alien that won't shoot back then it's bug using and I'll be banned. It's REALLY frustrating.

    Surely you guys are working on this, that's not my point, my point is that I wanna know if there's a way to make the alien start shooting me again so I'll be sure it's okay to kill it. And don't just say that it's okay to shoot it because it's just random when it stops, that isn't good enough for me. lol
  2. You need to create a video of what you are seeing so the TEAM can look into it. They can not BAN you for killing NPC's that do not defend themselves. The exploits that get you banned is knowing how to make this happen ALL of the time and doing just that. A randomly occurring issue they may not even be able to find, which means NO ONE will be able to kill NPC's without fear of being banned unless they can find the problem.

    I have run into the opposite of what you are describing, I can't shoot NPC's and find I need to change target and then reselect the target I was attacking to restart the attack and subsequent death of the NPC.
  3. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    "And don't just say that it's okay to shoot it because it's just random when it stops, that isn't good enough for me."

    I'd like to point you to this part. lol

    I wanna know how to make it start shooting me again.
  4. Be a programmer with access to the code and make changes to it. IF YOU want a better answer MAKE A VIDEO and SEND IT TO SUPPORT and have the TEAM TRY TO FIND THE PROBLEM.

    IF this is happening then there is an issue in the AI for the NPC you are attacking and there is nothing YOU can do to change it, except to try attacking another NPC.
  5. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    I don't need a video to prove it's happening because other people have surely experienced it, and I described the problems with words just fine, so I don't need a video for that reason either. Has far has I've been able to tell it happens with most if not all NPCs.
  6. When I'm fighting against a powerful alien and it stops shooting at me.......
    I say hallelujah then I finish him off.
    neoonoma likes this.
  7. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Varoid38,

    As stated above, could you please provide a screen shot or video of this issue? Sometimes it may be that you are experiencing lag and your game play screen is not registering the npc's damage. Or it truly is that the npc's are being friendly and not seeing your ship as an aggressor. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.
  8. It's called 'parking'..It happens at a weird angle usually. Or it can happen next to a base. It's rare but still happens.
  9. Gudinden

    Gudinden User

    Lucky you :p
  10. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    I don't use screenshot sites and stuff, and I don't have any way to create a video of this stuff, the last screenshot site I used my virus scanner said was a virus, and I really don't feel like dealing with screenshots in general anyway. Too much work. I really just want a way to quickly get it to restart attacking me so I feel right shooting at it. If it was lag then I'd assume that I'd get a whole bunch of damage right at the end of it, but I don't. And it registers my damage normally if I remember correctly, so it's too specific to be lag.
  11. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    With that said, you must have "parked" the npc and stayed a fair distance to keep firing at it while staying away from the npc's firing range. Are you still experiencing this issue? If it is "parking" there would be no "bug" issue as it has been practiced by many users since the game has been out.
  12. Varoid38

    Varoid38 User

    Eh, it happens on and off, I think I may have experienced it not too long ago, but I flew out of it's range and back in and that made it start shooting me again, not sure if that will always work though. And also, I didn't do it on purpose, has you can tell, I'm trying to figure out a way not to do it, lol.
  13. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    It's perfectly normal :) it used to practiced plenty when most of us had nostromo's with low tier lasers. Now we just blast and bash the npc's.

    Closing as answered, best of luck space pilot!
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