[TI] Gamepage Issue?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FLΛSH™, Dec 8, 2017.

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  1. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    I haven't played this game in a while but am I missing something? did something change?

    I seem to lose connection to the game page repeatedly, I can move my ship but the game is clearly unresponsive as all players/aliens are frozen.

    Before people blame my internet - my connection does not drop at any point:
    I use chrome and a high spec gaming PC.

    I have posted here rather than support to pull on other player's experiences/fixes...


    i flash had the same went to firefox seems ok
  3. Have you the most current version of Chrome? Maybe they are working on your server. I have a faster Download, worse Ping, and worse Upload, and do not lose very often on US3 but then ComCast breaks my connection frequently with their work on the lines.

    I do know using an older version of Chrome the Flash included in it kept failing and causing me issues, usually death as I was in maps but not actually moving on server as my connection was broken by the Flash Crash. I switched to Opera, until the recent changes made it impossible to use it (Flash Player not easily seen as an acceptable add-on) but with some tinkering and adding darkorbit pages to the Flash Exceptions page can use current version of Chrome and Opera without further issue, when ComCast is not messing with my connection.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
  4. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Have you tried using a different browser? (posting as a player)
  5. Also, have you checked to see if your computer is running anything else in the background? Some things like updates will not actually show always but will pull resources you need for the game still. Check the Task Manager to see what you can do without.
  6. of course they didn't. in my opinion google chrome is good for the first 15 mins but slowly starts to lag. i would say use fire fox cause it runs best for me.
  7. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

    Nothing else running

    Tried Firefox - same issue
  8. then you might need to check your setting on your browsers
  9. Just must know we all play on old game spec.Flash player is from century before,platform and servers are old tech.
    Every click you do must go to server than responce from server and there is problem,you on your pc don't have nothing except equipment and for every transaction you must send request to server bcs we don't have download client like batlestar galactica or som other browser games where you can play with fight 500 vs 500.Here if you have crowd nm many npc or bunch ppl you will get lag even you have high end pc,i know bcs i have,to resime you can accept this or leave bcs qure not exist,also i know bcs 9 year i try everithing.