[UI] Permanent Ignore

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Οήĸyо™, Dec 31, 2017.

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  1. We want !!!! A Permanent Ignore.

    The crap in chat from a few players is out of control and there is not enough mods let alone mods to be online 24-7 so Permanent Ignore is a must since these players are an issue all the time and nothing is being done.

    We are tired of it !!

    Please, Please add this in now not later.
    neoonoma and OILDAILY like this.
  2. I would recommend going to Discord Channel where you can get the ear of the Dev's, this topic has been in here about 6 months now and does not seem to get any response as to being picked up or implemented into the game.
  3. Ah I thought people that worked for DO were on here posting and checking post's, sorry I did not know they did not get on here, lol.

    I been posting things for a few years but I will stop now.

    I dont use discord. I will just stay in my clan chat or get myself a chat ban so I dont have to watch all the crap in chat.
    Thanks for the info.
  4. @Baracas would be seen in here from time to time but I have not seen him for quite a while and @OP32 pops over to run an input post every now and then but most of what we have is Mods who are Volunteers not employees. I too do not use the Discord Channel as I have tried to get information in there and get about the same thing in there as here. "Been reported", "Can't answer that" or have to "wait to see" seem to be the only responses we can get other than having posts deleted when we tell the truth about what is going on in the Game.
  5. In Discord, you can send direct messages to them as well. That may help get their attention.
  6. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Will say it here, we have brought this idea to the table before on the previous chat versions and the answer was always the same. Recently with the new chat versions that they were starting from scratch we also brought up the idea, to our surprise we were told they'll work with it. The new chat version was released and there was no perm ignore.

    We raised this concern a few weeks/months ago and they do not have the time to add these features to a semi/broken system from the little resources they have already focused on maintaining it. We as moderators still do not have all of the necessities to efficiently do our part.

    Cutting it short, it's not going to happen. If by chance they do implement this feature there will be hardly anyone online to message.
  7. But it will be peaceful. With all the things they have talked about doing, even with the limited resources at hand (ahem personnel), I can see where this could take a while. Possibly after the merge somebody will be freed up to work on this. The flip side is another database, the devs love this word. *snicker*
  8. I figured as much Deter,lol.... DO's own chat rules are broke all the time and there seems to not be enough mods or enough mods to be watching a good amount of the time.
    I see in my chat the following 24-7 ; Players typing in a different language, Players threatening players, 24-7 flooding, then you have the players that want to use chat (nicely) chatting with friends and cant do this due to the above ( yes there is group/ clan chat but why should be the ones that have to pay the price for the above players who are breaking the rules.

    But thanks for the info on this subject. I will not post about this again. I Give UP

    I believe that this area would be more important to DO and time well spent other than time on new/ different drone designs (for an example ) at least for the time needed to get this into the system.

    It will only get worse after a merge and instead of 20 players doing the above we will have maybe 50 doing it.
  9. The biggest issue with the Chat (unless it has changed) is that it is controlled by a third party and it is their resources that are being used for our special requests and as such they do not see the importance of it for a single group.
  10. snuffout

    snuffout User

    My advice exactly, if you tired of the way it rolls just turn it off. You have Clan chat, Group Chat, Newby Chat and Teamspeak. Therefor if your being bothered by it you can only blame yourself for allowing it.
  11. I should not have to move chat tabs because of the rule breakers ? Correct ? The ruler breakers should be banned ? Correct ? At the point they are breaking the chat rules and I have more rights to be there than they do ? Correct ? I am not breaking rules by chatting nicely, no threats, No bad Language, and typing in my servers approved Language.

    Example : Last night for as long as I was on there was a kid typing the F word and other foul Language for over 30 minutes and he was not banned because the way he typed it with spaces in between letters ( dont know if there is a Auto-Detect system but if there is placing spaces between is the way around it).
  12. I got banned for typing "F O R D" in the old system so they have obviously NOT got the SAFETY protocol in this NEW Chat then. As there are several CLEAN sayings for this anagram as in "Found On Road Dead" "First On Race Day" but I can also remember a bad one too "[REMOVED] Over Rebuilt Dodge", but I did get a 24 hour Ban for having typed the letters separately as specified earlier.

    IF this is an ongoing issue I would suggest taking a Screen Shot of a FULL PAGE Length Chat (comments being one line in the width) and sending this to Support so they can make sure the Automated System is set to catch this behavior, and if they see this is typical for this player then maybe they will be permanently banned from Chat.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 9, 2018
  13. snuffout

    snuffout User

    Do not misunderstand. You are totally correct. It should not be allowed, it should be banned. DO should use more moderators and I personally know they have applications from people willing. There is no new law to be made only enforcement of the existing! HOWEVER, until that is done, as I stated before, you have other options that may allow you to once again enjoy the GAME!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018