[GI] Report?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -=ḇẶṮṪḺĕɽȋṭẹ=-, Feb 1, 2018.

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  1. I was wondering what to do if a guy from same company killes me like 15 times in a row already?
    Can i report him somehow or that's just part of the game?

    P.S. he's UFE i'm still lowbie
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  2. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Life. That's more likely harassment than pushing, however, if you do that feeding on purpose and report, you're going to end the same way as the destroyer.
  3. Yeah but since he is a noob, he has nothing to lose. On the other hand a ufe ship...
  4. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    Maybe nothing yea, but every punishment from the past counts towards. Report like that twice as noob and then come third time as UFE
    -> have fun with permanent ban.
  5. Actually i don't want to lose my acc but what could i do.. only logout and change nickname i guess.
  6. The ship name would change in the logs also. You would have to stay out of maps/logs for 30 days to prevent this player from finding your new name. So the question I want to ask is are in a Clan? IF YES then do you see the other players Clan Tag as RED? IF YES again it means they are at WAR with your Clan and it will continue until the WAR ends or you leave the Clan.

    Usually a UFE from your Company is not going to keep killing you unless you have done something to them or they are assisting an Enemy Clan Member (MCC) who started the attack and then they do not lose any honor for the kill. The exception is if the Clans are at WAR.
    Odin® likes this.

  7. He might be a noob, as you say, butt without noobs, this game will and is going the way of the dodo bird........................
  8. No we are not in war and i'm not in clan, he has a multy company clan and i was farming NPC's when him and his clan mate from other company killed me i was kinda angry and flaming that guy from my company. And then he started killing me as soon as i leave portal.
    But nvm, i was just wondering what should i do.
    I'll have my revenge soon enough. Already FE thanks to booties
  9. If this person from your company is killing you and he shoots first, he will be getting negative honor.
    Eventually he will stop killing you when this player notices the drop in honor.

    1st friendly kill is -100 honor
    2nd is - 200 honor
    3rd is -400 honor
    4th is -800
    5th is -1,600
    6th is - 3,200 and so on. Doubles each time. Honor FAQ

    What server do you play? Perhaps I can come by and give this player a tuneup for ya ;)


    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
    Odin® likes this.
  10. Some players are using that as a way to finish quests fast even though it's ruthless and also is like harassment best thing to do i think would be to just sit at the portal and don't move i don't think it would take long before they got bored and went to bother someone else. If that doesn't work then try going to other maps and kill something else and go back after. Just some suggestions to try before resorting to having to deal with support over this.
  11. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I generally turn the tide , so to speak and go hunting other players , but to get popped 15 times in a row could be miss-construed as you are pushing as well. ... I myself do not do 1 vs 1 or any of that . For me to mess with someone I jump into my Spearhead and find someone and drop mines on them in my Lance drone using my Ultimate cloak . As far as a 'Report' , leave that stuff alone . You can Revenge yourself in many ways. ... I suggest try looking the player up and record his rank for your own personal data so you can track him/her for future reference. Profile ....
  12. EU Global ^^
  13. I don't have an account on that server but I'm sure I can find a good friend of mine that does ;)

    I was looking forward in the hopes you where on GA1. I would come and put the boots to that player for day or two.

    I bully the bullies :D

    When I first started I was bullied quite a bit but now, they just die :cool:

    Do your best to avoid these types of players, in time they will be trying to avoid you.


    Never hate your enemy, it affects your judgement
    Odin® likes this.
  14. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Never hate your enemy, it affects your judgement ....sound wisdom ....
  15. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello -=ḇẶṮṪḺĕɽȋṭẹ=-,

    Thank you everyone for guiding the Original Poster. It is best to gather up with a few fellow company members or friends that should play the game and pop the nuisance.

    Closing as answered.
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