[UI] Please remove member cap on clans

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †βŁΔÇЌ†ĐΣǍŦĦ†NWO, Feb 4, 2018.

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  1. Please remove the member cap for clans, its a pain to manage two or three clans filled up with members who can't make it into the main clan because we can only have 50.

    There is literally no downside to this either.
  2. I think the reason they haven't done this already is because if they did then some clans would have 200+ people while others have 20+ and it would just cause an unbalanced stable within some servers since some clans would be favoured so much higher than others, making clan wars one-sided and most importantly; The game would be miserable for the ones in the smaller clans. Not to mention the fact that there would be 200+ people doing server hunts at once, would be quite insane and just stupid in all honesty.

    I would also theory that this would hurt new players very much too, since big clans will be so packed and they will be killed repeatedly by the same clan and probably members.

    I'm definitely against this idea.
  3. That makes no sense because this whole "packed, dominant superclan" thing is already bypassed by having two or three other clans people can join when the main one is full. I'm also not saying we should have an unlimited amount of players but rather an amount that doesn't force us to kick people out to make room for another person.

    Also it wouldn't matter to the already dominant clans like mine because we ALREADY dominate the server. So what would boosting the member cap even do besides give us all the same clan tag rather than having two clan tags, one from the main clan and one from the other clan?

    It wouldn't knock rank off balance because there is already a rank cap on how much rank a clan can get so that is completely irrelevant.

    If anything it would improve communication and the distribution of wealth, so to say, because then everyone in a clan can have boosters from their bases and they can essentially get the same rewards from pirate event, domination, etc.

    It also won't be "packed" because half of the members in a clan don't play that often for it to be "packed" to be honest. You have to take into account of members with different time zones and completely different countries, I know because a good chunk of my members are foreigners and they don't even log in some days leaving us with a low amount of players on some days, and then 20 or 30 people on other days like spaceball.

    And for the smaller clans, then it just sucks to be them because they never had a chance anyways even with a 50 member cap to be completely honest. And these smaller clans are always at a downside because they typically cannot evolve past a farming clan with noobs, mainly because they refuse to make alliances or friends, or better yet merge into another clan that can actually protect themselves.

    Like I said there is absolutely no downside to this, if anything this should have happened years ago.
  4. I hate to say this but I would prefer to see a reduction in the numbers allowed in the Clans.

    IF I was to support this it would be for your "training Clans" not the Main. IMHO I believe once a Clan no longer needs to charge the TAX to HELP NEW Players it needs a reduction to 25 members. The original purpose of the Clans was to get active players playing together and teaching New players how to play, which evolved into the need to have the HIGHEST RANKING players in the server in ONE Clan. Now you want to evolve that to ALL of the Highest Level players.

    This is an internal Clan Choice and IF you want more ACTIVE members then make it a Clan Rule that you need to play every so often or be kicked allowing the others who are more active to be able to join the Main.

    I do not support a change to create Super Clans to continue the Dominance of the Servers by the FEW.
    Odin® likes this.
  5. " I do not support a change to create Super Clans to continue the Dominance of the Servers by the FEW."

    dido, which means, for those who do NOT know, I agree.
    All though I would add the CHOSEN FEW"................................
  6. I already said that clans have a rank cap that they cannot go past a certain amount so rank is completely irrelevant. I don't understand what you mean by clan tax but it already has a cap on how much you can distribute so that is irrelevant as well and kept in check.

    The second clans many people use are not for "training" purposes but rather for allowing people to join the clan when the main one is full. Sometimes it may take days or weeks to get a spot.

    The goal of a clan isn't to get as many ranked players as you can, that is only a bonus. The goal of clans are still to bring active players together, that is why everyone complains about the clans right? Because they can't beat them because they are active, so their goal is still to be active. Hell some clans that are dominant on their server don't even have the number 1 rank.

    It comes to a point where you have too many active players in your clan to kick people out. This may not be on all servers but I can bet money that in populated servers like GE1 and GA1, GB1 and so on that they are in this situation now just like my clan on my server.

    And like I said, keep in mind that this can already be bypassed by having multiple clans allied to each other. So the only difference is the distribution of wealth during the bases that can reach ALL clan members, and from events too which technically benefits smaller clans too that may want more members.

    Survival of the fittest if a clan can't adapt they die bro, its basic human nature.
  7. And these super clans are just the reason the Game is dieing. They are called MCC's and they enjoy dominating the server preventing other people form playing. Color it however you want it is all about DOMINATION to you, nothing about the game or mechanics of same. You want your super clan to own all of the CBS's and give 200 players the boosters that can be developed be doing so. WE DO NOT AGREE with you. Bro' the game is going to die with your mentality running it. Company First, then Clan, then Game.
  8. You realize that a server dominant Multi Company clan is literally no different than server dominant Company Clan like back in the day? My clan that dominates our server was all VRU until rank starting causing issues in our clan because there was so little Colonels + so they switched over and got rank over in other companies. Boom, issue solved. We're a multi company clan now but it has changed nothing, in fact it expanded out recruiting potential and now we have larger family from all companies and we welcome anyone.

    Whats so bad about that? We're able to get around this whole broken "pushing" system and be able to take no negative from trolls who don't join a clan so they can get you negative honor on purpose.

    There is no difference between a multi company clan that dominates a server and a company clan that does, the only reason you guys hate this is because you are probably on the losing end of the game, and you'd rather fly alone than be in a clan because you hate them for "ruining" the game even though they have had absolutely no impact on killing the game. They probably even boosted the activity of the game if anything considering those clans are the only clans left that haven't quit the game because of life or loss of interest. These clans are essentially the backbone of Darkorbit.

    I can also assure you that clans don't "prevent" people from playing and killing the game off. No, the price of this game and this stupid mentality of "1v1ing" is killing this game because many people would rather do that instead of play it as a team game like it was supposed to be. So if anything these clans are saving it because it promotes more competition on a large scale rather than doing these stupid 1v1s that prove nothing.

    Listen you can blame it on multi company clans all you want, but it doesn't refute the fact my entire VRU clan dominates the server, and still does after being multi company, and it still doesn't refute the fact we have the base record of 108 days a few years ago when we were VRU ONLY.

    Also, Ars Martialis was the dominant clan in GE1, a multi company clan since 2008 before the game "died."

    This is why we need a larger member cap because it will be so much easier to coordinate in the game and so much easier to extend the rewards to all members, and it'll promote more competition.
  9. I am sorry it is the DOMINANCE that kills the game. It is not fun when we can not leave a portal without having some Dominant BULLY blow us out of SPACE, continuously. The game is dieing because the NEW Blood is floating all over Space as their ships/accounts go dormant as they are tired of not being able to advance in the game. Give it a couple of years and you will have your wish as there will be no one except you DOMINANT BULLIES left in the servers (oops SERVER) as all of them get merged together because of the loss of players that will continue to happen with this game play.

    YES they may have been BUT they did have a lot of people helping keep them in check and protecting the NEW players so they could get to the FE status and able to withstand the fight easier than we can at this point.

    We could Give you everything you want 500 member Clan, all companies, you OWN the server, but then what fun would that be as there would be no one else in the server with you.
    Odin® likes this.
  10. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I have 2 operational clans ... The Main clan that has some NOOB's and the Sister clan for just the purpose of building of a ship and lab . ...
  11. At the moment we have 2 to 3 mcc working together = 150 members. Whether you change the cap limit or not outcome is still the same for those that fight for a certain clans cause. But the biggest difference here would be more people get to fit into a mcc meaning more noobs can flock to their clan which has been happening on every big event lately where they join who ever they think is winning , leaving the rest of us with very little fighters to use for a counter attack because most the fighters on the server joined the 1 clan.

    Now applying this to a more active server it would result in a more quicker "turn coat fever" simply because it can be done and people are getting tired of the whole thing. "If you can't beat em, join em".

    If all these noob want anarchy so much, why not go play eve? Its anarchy and full of those diplomatic squabbles ripe for an anarchy style Clans vs clans face off with no obligation to a company.
    Odin® likes this.
  12. I also want to point out the whole irony of people wanting to get rid of multi company clans.

    Multi company clans have been around since the beginning of the game and some people consider them "unsportsman like" even though they have formed completely independent from any influence from Darkorbit dev team because it is an actual feature of Darkorbit.

    So wouldn't it be hypocritical to force Darkorbit support to physically intervene to remove these multi company clans? Wouldn't THAT be unsportsmanlike? To force people to disband a clan that a clan leader has worked so hard on for many many years, gaining scores of members just to be forced to kick people outside of their company or suffer reward losses during events they spent time on? To protect these "noobs" that don't exist or don't play after a week because they realize how expensive this game is, and to protect these people that want "total anarchy" as the previous poster said because they consider themselves "lone wolves" and want everyone to play the game their way, and then cry in chat when they can't get a 1v1 even though this is a team game?

    If anything we should expand these clans by allowing more members to be outfitted into the actual main clan itself. There is nothing but benefit from doing this as I've explained in my previous posts. If anything, increasing the cap would bring in even MORE noobs because instead of being confined to a lame secondary clan, they could join the main clan and see it more as an "incentive" and more of a fun way to grow because they can actually feel as if they're equal rather than some random noob that joined a dead secondary clan. These noobs can also benefit from the base boosters and event rewards because they are actually in the same clan with the people getting the rewards, not only that but it also offers a sense of an extra layer of protection knowing they are in a top clan surrounded by decked out UFEs helping them farm up.

    "This is the more horrendous thing I have ever heard of this will be so unbalanced in favor of the clans I hate in my server."

    You also have to consider that increasing the member cap has no downsides whatsoever because you can ALREADY bypass the 50 member limit by making a second clan anyways, so increasing this member cap will allow clans to have a better quality of life update rather than an advantage update, allowing more players to get boosters and event rewards and not being singled out and forced to be kicked when they can't play for a certain period of time.

    Since the beginning of this game, clans have been fundamental and MCCs have always existed on this server, I still don't understand why people righteously blame them even though they are the most active clans with the most active players. All I have to say is that you can't win a single event without a clan, so take that as you wish.
  13. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello †βŁΔÇЌ†ĐΣǍŦĦ†NWO,

    Since this is not the MCC discussion thread, we ask you the Original Poster if you'd like for us to remove any MCC posts that is not helpful to your Idea thread.
  14. It is the O P who is bringing MCC into the thread.
  15. @HelpMeHelpYou

    Lo and behold for the tenth time now you are wrong yet again because the very first post in this thread with "MCC" in it is yours right here:

    HelpMeHelpYou: "And these super clans are just the reason the Game is dieing. They are called MCC's and they enjoy dominating the server preventing other people form playing. Color it however you want it is all about DOMINATION to you, nothing about the game or mechanics of same. You want your super clan to own all of the CBS's and give 200 players the boosters that can be developed be doing so. WE DO NOT AGREE with you. Bro' the game is going to die with your mentality running it. Company First, then Clan, then Game."

    You can literally hit Control+F, enter "MCC," and your post is the very first one with the word "MCC" highlighted.

    Just close the post because there is no actual argument here only people saying over and over again "But multi company clans are killing the game," and then my post gets pinned for being off topic because someone decided to bring it up and then tried to put me on full blast because of it.

    Smh, I think I've proved my argument here anyways.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
  16. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing as requested.
  17. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Due to the inactivity of this idea it will be close, archived and listed on the Update&Idea Pool index.

    Closing as inactive, archived and set to Index.
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