[SC] @OP32(or any mod) Server Merge and Clans

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †βŁΔÇЌ†ĐΣǍŦĦ†NWO, Mar 6, 2018.

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  1. To start off I just want to say that with all due respect I really could not care less about this server merge, I am probably not even going to be on the game anymore ever again in my life after a few months from now but I just want to congratulate you guys despite disagreeing with this server merge and you definitely defied my expectations of this whole thing.

    I noticed you frequent the forums and you are kind of the 'head of communication' so to say for this server merge project and I have an urgent question for you or any mod, and that is what would happen to clans during this server merge and how will they be effected during the process and after the process?

    My thing is that unlike almost everyone on this game, I can say with sincerity and utter and righteous honesty that I do not care about my account, I do not care about my equipment or anything on Darkorbit anymore, I don't care about stupid titles or gates or rank and the only thing I care about is my clan and my clan mates.

    (For a moment lets just ignore these tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists saying clans are destroying the game and everything stupid like that and the fact that everyone is addicted to these useless and boring 1v1s that complete absolutely nothing, despite all of this, clans are the real fun of the game no matter what anyone says so don't even bother bringing an off topic argument here)

    There was recently a post about the "new" achievement of copying an account's data from one server and implementing it onto another, brand new server. I saw the NEWEST post just today on Tuesday and there you guys recommended screenshotting stuff, sending tickets to support about a lackluster amount of equipment or not equipment at all moving over. Now if there is a real threat of people actually losing years and years of equipment, god knows what could go wrong for Darkorbit clans. You can easily redeem the equipment part by granting people their missing items with ease, but clans obviously have a bigger risk because you honestly can't "fix" anything that goes wrong with clans like a top clan with billions of rank points losing all of their members or deleting entirely. As far as I know from almost every game I play, and what every support team has told me from those games, is that you technically can't put an account into a clan through moderation from a game support team after that account is removed from the clan albeit accidentally or purposely.

    Given we are no longer a far ways from the server merge I think everyone would appreciate you guys being more transparent about whats to come in the future of this project, everyone plays their game differently and now since its become a reality that these server merges are in fact happening, I can bet you that everyone is asking about what will happen to the area of the game they play(like bases, clans, pvp or pve, rank, etc).

    Will clans be deleted? What process do clans have to go through to make it onto another server? What will happen to multi company clans and how would you reimburse it if anything happens at all? Can you actually fix clans and put member ships back into a clan if they so happen to be accidentally removed from said clan? Can the clan be deleted on accident and can you restore them if possible? Will clan rank even exist anymore? Given there will be more players, will there be more member slots as well? Will clans be lackluster and the game focused more on company? Will battle station rank or any rank at all be carried over?

    There are so many questions that I can think of with clans and those are just the tip of the iceberg. I'm pretty sure clans have been on this game since the beginning and I would really like for some confirmation about what will happen to these clans because my entire time playing this game has always been revolved around a clan and to be honest it wouldn't be the same game without them.

    I'd prefer clans to remain the exact same as they were, with a little modification of adding member slots to appeal to a bigger server population, but I would like to ask for just a general idea or set in stone system for clans to be posted or at least acknowledged here.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
  2. To put my two cents on this, I think migrating a clan is just as easy as copy/ paste the code that its assigned to that clan. When creating a clan, there is always a code being created in the registry of the server, as long as the code is being transferred accurately, should be no issues.
    The reason why they said to take screenshots, is not because there are a high chance of loosing items, but because the chances are so small and if it does happen, they could find out which items were not transferred, look it over in the code for any mistakes and correct it for the future tests or for the actual merge.
    Regards to your questions, on the last Twitch session, they mentioned that there has been no success in finding a solution for MCC and they will stay like this for now. And regarding the capacity a clan can have in its members, I dont agree with them being raised from 50, if they are we will just repeat history of MCC (I think we all know how MCC started).
  3. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    And another topic which was discussed in the stream... can you [REMOVED] sometimes watch them?
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2018
  4. I barely have time to play this game as it is what makes you think I have enough time to watch a few hour stream.
  5. hmm, makes question mute.... Just because there is a server merge does not mean clan sizes should be raised. Server populations used to be bigger, and some servers are much bigger than others, yet the clan max size for all servers is 50. I am betting with server merge test, there has been checks on clans as OP32 is a member of the first merge(merge test), I am sure he made sure to see if he is still in his clan on the merge. MCC and BOT(I know bots were not brought up yet on this thread) issues are in the same category as no solution found as yet. They shall both be an issue after the merge as they are even bigger than the merge themselves and lets face it, we are all waiting to see what the answer will be but you can only do so much with a small staff. If you are able to do more, I am sure they would welcome the input. All in all the clan question is valid though....
  6. Odin®

    Odin® User

    From what I understand , the server that is being merged shall remain in tacked as a whole. This includes the clan as a whole shall still retain it's clan status and membership. The issue I saw was the possibility of multiple same clan tags [Not Sure]. Other possible issue was having multiple accounts across different servers . There must be a solution where an individual can switch accounts when on the same server somewhere on the front page or hanger and also what occurs in ship warping and if a user can select his/hers other account? Another issue was the ranking system after the merge.
  7. OP32

    OP32 Community Team Team Darkorbit

    Clans will not be lost, the only change they will receive is a prefix at the start of their name (e.g int2_clanname) to indicate which server they came from, this can then be removed if the clan leader wishes to do so.
    apetown. and Odin® like this.

    ŹÀPHØÐ User

    I dont care about clans but what will happen if i my same named account is on both servers? And to complicate matters one is EIC and one is MMO.
    Will they be merged into a single TEST6 account with all equipment?
  9. Is test Server Open time.?
  10. OP32

    OP32 Community Team Team Darkorbit

    Accounts will remain separate and players can change account via the server menu list.

    The test server will be available for GB2 and GE5 players on the weekend, only the data is being backed up today.
  11. my no test day teszt2?
  12. hello, i have a question/problem:

    i checked in with my ge5 acc on gb2 last week to check out whats going on on gb2, like rankpoints, members, etc.
    today i first tried to check in on test server with my lvl 1 gb2 acc, all worked perfect.

    so now to the problem:
    if i check with my main acc from ge5 into test2, i get back to my small lvl1 gb2 acc, so i cant trasfer my ge5 to test 2 and further to test 6.

    can i check in from ge5 to test 6 directly now? or have i to go an other way?

    sry if my english is not the best, i got no answer on german forum so far.

    greets from austria
  13. GE5 was a direct to TEST6 and GB2 had to hit TEST5. For whatever reason they could not get both servers to use the same entry portal.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
  14. My concern about the merge is that I have 7 servers under one name. Now, not all servers I am on will be merged into one server, however, if even just 2 of the servers I am on are merged together, will there be any/much loss? I can understand if the servers had identical ships only one of each would be left (that wouldn't be a problem); but would all the other equipment be transferred over, or lost?
  15. ŹÀPHØÐ

    ŹÀPHØÐ User

    Already answered by OP32. They remain separate for example name_gb2, name_ge5.
  16. My understanding is they are not looking at individual accounts or combining them in any way. With the Clans having the server tag added to the Clan Tag I can assume the server selection will also have a new menu for selecting the accounts from merged servers. BUT since this is NOT spoken of it is all speculation on the parts of the FORUM COMMUNITY. The only thing we know is that the ACTIVE ACCOUNTS will be merged and inactive will not. BUT then this brings to question what is considered an active account?
  17. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Don't know or quite possibly forgot if we received an answer to this, but as for inactive accounts they we're visible in the clan members page with an asterisk next to their name mentioning they are inactive. For example Deter* but those are just my 2 cents as they have said there will be no issues with clans during the merge.

    Another thought is they may send out a newsletter as they do with events or stuff and that may be a way to decide which are and which are not active acounts besides the regular players.

    Just my thoughts, nothing official.
  18. For the test server they were like that, but I had been referring to the 'final' merge as well.
  19. Sapphire

    Sapphire User

    And this mark came after 4 weeks of inactivity.