[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. all we wanted to know @Deter how you respond to this challenges and keep us posted...I know its not your job but you can say this to yours bosses directly instead letting them read because I believe they can't do it. They have many works to consider..but reporting them that we need a drastic results of the bots that stealing the ranks ..and so many unfairness in the game which I believed partially that there is no really fair ..but it could a little gesture of fairness which can be perceived by a player or perceivable now a days in the moment right on time...discover their bots like the many in the market I know you know...lots are their in fb page and in other social sited and forums I know you know..please let them post their achieved work clearly and updated at least in a week? or in a couple of days? or months? it is so tiring to wait long...before we "QUIT " again this game..which is an option always if we dont like ..it s free anyway and if want to top? be premium and buy some stuff real money which I did too also..I complain because I pay you guys...I have the right also...but Im patient also to wait your moves and result just dont make it long...too muchhhh... Fly your ships in GA 4..believe your eyes....
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Once again, flying around and banning accounts for bitting on pure speculation will not hold up in court. The scripts must detect them and that is how they get banned.
    Daddy_Warbucks[VVF] likes this.
  3. Thought i would wade in as the topic started getting interesting.

    The main problem is that at the DO's scripts are as useful as a chocolate teapot! The fact is the scripts havent been able to detect anyone botting for well over a year now, as is confirmed as there has been no official botting banning update since then.

    So the present position is that the bots have improved to the point to the point where they are undetectable. The DO team are too busy with the server merge to build any new detection system , so for the time being we are stuck with them.

    I just wish DO would level with us, instead of keeping on insulting us by lying and saying that the scripts will catch em bla bla bla, they should just come out and say " ok guys the bots have improved to the point where we currently cant detect them, but as soon as the merge is finished it will be our top priority. Anyone thinking about botting then be aware that while we currently cant catch you, we will one day and you will ultimately be banned!". At least we would all all know where we stood then.
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  4. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    The scripts dont work, thats the whole point, every map for the last week or so on GB1 has been full of bots taking advantage due to the server merges, if we kill them we get accused of pushing and banned, bloody game is a joke, ban the real players and the bots get away scot free, would be interesting to take BP to court for failing to ensure their game is not a fair and level playing field, encouraging cheats and bots, pretty sure BP would lose that case!!
  5. Gudinden

    Gudinden User

    Totally agree with you in this :rolleyes: Could be very nice if Big Point (Dark Orbit) would answer something?!? :confused:
  6. They did, its called the Terms of Service. Players problem is they are too hung up on the fact that they are Botting, when they should see them as players or as some people say Targets for Elimination. Where people get in trouble is that their entire focus is on them. "Oh they keep coming so I popped them 30 times and suddenly I had a pushing ban." Get your two or three kills in and move on. If you see them in a few hours, your good for some more kills but constant focus on the one that is in the one map will just lead you down the hole of frustration. We all know BP/DO is focused more on the merge right now and projects take time. BP does not have a team just for bots or exploits. At the most, they may have 1 person per game as its not seen as a profitable reason to hire someone. The scripts have caught less and less players over the past 5 years which tells you the scripts have not been changed since they were first written. I have said it multiple times, all the people that really know the game code are gone. Its the way it always is. People make a game and move on. New people come and expand upon a game and move on. Nobody stays to maintain the game.

    Longest thread ever and it serves only to keep the focus of an issue from filling up the forum server.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. @Deter why you say speculation? can you not know detect the same person is botting on killing alliens? or boxing 24/7? where in fact you can pop their ships on and on until it say the players is weak you cant gain more advantage until it diminishes your rewards? I cant believe you can't detect..You are an old player in this game same with us. If you script programmer is flying your ship on maps he knows it... PLus detect him using your always called alibi so called "script" then it must be effective..
  8. Hi All,

    Can't the program tell if a person is botting especially if the person had been on for 8 hours or more and hasn't stop to eat or bathroom break. The system should be able to monitoring the people log on and play time. If a player is on all the time, Maybe its a bot, and the program should turn it off/kick it out of the game. Making the person at least to log back on again.

  9. The reason the script is NOT working is EVERYONE has ignored the requests to "LEAVE THE BOTS ALONE" so the script can detect them. Every time they are killed resets the script and they are not being detected as they are not constantly doing the same thing. So go ahead and kill them until you BOTH get a "PUSHING" ban but then they are still going to be botting when they come back.
  10. I watched 5 ships over 10 days in the same map 24-7 or at least every time I logged in they were still at it AKA npc botting. With the maps dead I know that there were at least several hours that they were not touched , if the script needs more time than an hour to work then might be time to go back to the drawing board. I can tell if some one is a Bot in 5 minutes , all you have to do is watch, drop a mine and follow you can tell right away.
    Another way is look at there logs so easy to scroll through 4,6,8 hours and again you can tell if it's a Bot.

    On top of the above all you have to do is fly around them and the Bot most are using sends them to port and jumps them to the next map and then right back, it changes there drone formation and they sit in the circle of the port. If you dont move after 2 minutes they will start to fly back into the map, once they move then you move and that movement of your ship sends they back to port as long as you are in the range of the Bot defense area. I can do this over and over and over and its the same thing so BOT BOT BOT. Very easy to see plain and simple. Now I dont do this all the time I was testing how the Bot works never once did I fire a shot at them. Now keep in mind this work's very easy for red tags for the detection area of the bot, and being on US West lots will know who our red tag is.

    No reason to say for legal reason we cant do anything when the proof is in the Bots logs and it's your game DO. You do what you want all the time so take a stand. They have no rights as do any of us, you can shut down the game tomorrow and nothing any players can do about it so BOT issue very easy to solve
  11. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Not true(anymore). You are able to destroy them without interfering with the scripts, however farming bot kills is considered pushing and that they risk penalties.
  12. players are fed up over there rank being lost to the bots your loseing players and a lot of money and respect from us all. get of the high horse and do something your soo called scripts are a joke
  13. lol really leave the bots alone and let the scripts do the work ?.
    they have been botting for months and DO do sod all.
    blind pew can see more than they do. the maps are so full of botters it takes you all your time to do a quest.
    and what do DSO do they put another event on thats right up the botters ally, auto lock , scripts ruuning , another pointless event , its pathetic no wonder most of the legit players are quitiing.
  14. I can't agree more, but then the TWITCH stream on the 11th Dec also stated there was a surprise coming to them with the merges and we all know how long ago they said these would start and was the original schedule a weekly merge not a monthly one?

  15. Just thought i would pick up an interesting point here. It was my understanding that we have no ownership over our account, they do not belong to us and we not have any ownership rights over them. In essence we rent our accounts from BP (for free), we can use them but the actual ownership of them belongs to BP and thus they have it within there power to remove our accounts from us at any given time without reason, the same as a landlord can evict a tenant if they should decide to do so. This was always my understanding.

    However, Deter's post seems to indicate over wise, his post seems to indicate that players do actually have some kind of tangible owernership over the accounts we use, and that BP dont have the ability to remove these account from us without reason? Does anyone know which ones right?
    oversoulpaul and ΞMPЯΞSS like this.

  16. Due to the "Merchant Agreement" with the credit cards there is a legal binding to any account that has a significant amount of P2W and as such IF they ban one of these accounts without good records of violations they COULD be held accountable for the reversal of charges made on an account that was removed without proper proof of voluntary violations of rules. THUS the reason the script must be allowed to catch the violators.
  17. There is nothing worse than reading through the thread and seeing post that try to imply things that are not true. Lots of players that read this drivel believe it when it is really nothing but "Fake News." If you think you have something that is a fact, post where you got it from as well and use the actual meaning and not the implied one.

    Great idea, if only the post or report would start the script to run a check immediately. If it is something that support has to pull up and then check, it will be too late. A lot of the bots bot for hours and then suddenly they are at the keyboard and talking about being "dedicated" to the game. Personally, if the MCC wanted to do something good, they could go police the bots in attack waves, roaming the maps, not farming them mind you. They would still get all the kills they are after and real players would not complain about them so much. The bad thing is the MCC players are some of the most reported for Botting so that won't work.

    Deter's post does not support yours. While BP has the right to remove accounts, like a landlord, they actually have to have a real reason in order to not have to worry about court action. The lack of action on BP's part makes me believe they have had some litigation in recent years, but as I don't speak or read the German language good, I can not do research to see if my belief can be proven. But Baracus has mentioned before that the lawyers had advised them on certain criteria so here we are.

  18. Disappointed that you would have that opinion of my post. I expressed my person opinion on a subject matter and then asked for others input with 2 question marks, At no point was i expressing fake news. Your reply post on the other hand is based on purely personal belief as you have no knowledge of the subject area as you openly point out, thus your post is more fake news then my own!

    Anyway, back to the subject in hand, i just wanted to tease this matter out a little further as its actually quite fundamental to the subject of botting and cheating. Helpmehelpyou, you posted a very interesting post around the merchant agreement. Im curious as to what the reversal of charges would be though. As no player paid any money for there accounts, these were freely given by BP upon registration of the game. In terms of ingame purchases then these are consumed at the point of purchase ( a bit like purchasing a meal in a restaurant). The only charge i could see anyone pursing would be the purchase of Premium. For instance if BP went bankrupt tomorrow and the game essentially closed, then the only item i would imagine that any credit card company could potentially compensate on would be any unused premium subscription that someone has paid for? Happy to here the thoughts anyone who knows otherwise.

    Suppose the point i am trying to make is that would it not be possible for BP to amend the game user terms and conditions to say that at any given time a players account may be removed without a reason by Bigpoint and any subscriptions unused forfeited. As long as every player agrees to the updated terms and conditions at the point of login, then would this not allow BP to more easily remove botters without script proof?
  19. To be fare, my Fake News comment was not meant for you.
  20. Hi All,

    Bots and Cheats, Bots and Cheats player after player talks about this and DO seem that they can't find the post about the problem. Those who work hard to make them gain status and rise in the ranks are slapped in the face by those that use other methods. DO listen to your players. Fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    _alien10_ likes this.
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