[UI] Credit portal

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TNzRawR, Jun 23, 2018.

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  1. TNzRawR

    TNzRawR User

    Hello, Darkorbit forum.

    I have been playing darkorbit on and off ever since 2009 and I have followed how darkorbit has developed into being a Pay2Win game. I have also seen the decline in new players coming to the game, and the big difference between a paying player and a non-paying player.

    Few new players is a big problem for Darkorbit, and it will most likely kill Darkorbit as a game. I think a solution for that might be adding a Credit Portal for new players.

    A Credit Portal that only requires credits to make for new players will make it easier for new players to get quicker and further into the game. This will make the difference between a paying player and a non-paying player smaller. This portal should not give very good items, but only FE items. Booty boxes and LF3 lasers could be some of the things rewarded for completing the portal. A gate like this will not only help the not only give the players an easier start, but maybe a more fun and more varied gameplay.

    Darkorbit has few new players, and making a Credit Portal that helps new players get to FE will make them enjoy the game more and hopefully stay, and it will narrow the gap between paying players and the non-paying players.
    ]Coldheart[ and Odin® like this.
  2. This is a good idea, BUT until DO decides to extend the protection of x-1 and x-2 to ALL lower maps (x-3 and x-4) or prevent the UFE from attacking a FE player they will still continue to lose the NEW players. I know many FREE VETERAN players who are just sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what DO is going to do about the imbalance of the current game.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  3. As new accounts start up, there is a gate that players can do to get a little bit of gate experience. But you are right, and it has been suggested a few times, a credit gate that players could do in the beginning would be good for the game. If using credits to build it, what kind of cost are you thinking. I know new players have to work to make some credits in the beginning and paying for a gate could be an issue while they are also working on building the skylab. Using this to secure FE items is a great idea. You should get either a LF3 or B02 for finishing it.
  4. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    Rather than making it a gate you have to build, maybe make it a gate that is available at all times. Make it a survival-type gate.
    After every wave, a gate appears to leave and a gate to continue. The waves would start off with, let's say, 5 strueners, move on to lordakia and so on. Starting with smaller amounts of enemies, moving through all of the lower NPCs. Once you destroy the sibelon at the end, the gate would move onto a slightly higher level with more NPCs.

    Back to the rewards. If you choose to leave after a wave, the reward you got from the previous wave is immediately booked; however, if you choose to go on, the rewards are stacked onto the rewards of the next wave. After you leave the gate, you gain all of the rewards you earned from the completed waves. The gate gives 3 lives and has no cool-down time. If you die 3 times, you go back to the 5 struener wave. The further you go, the higher the rewards. The gate should have a level limit such as 15.

    Maybe add a 2nd gate for a small group of players to do together?
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Due to the inactivity of this idea it will be close, archived and listed on the Update&Idea Pool index.

    Closing as inactive, archived and set to Index.