[UI] Solution to the Multi-Company Clans Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by meatpill-Warlord, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. I've written a lot about the issues of MCCs in the thread created by OP32 a year ago. Since it has been a year and no one has heard from admins or moderators as to what will be done, I've decided to post an idea in here that will please all three sides of the issue, that is 1. Bigpoint's moneymaking 2. Elite gamers who believe wars are part of the game and 3. Casual gamers who have a hard time dealing with multi-company clans.

    My perspective is the third one, having been on the receiving end of multicompany clans for years, and the issue itself causing me to leave and come back to the game periodically. The purpose of this post is to explore all three sides of the issue and offer up a solution that I believe will be acceptable to all three perspectives. My goal is to re-ignite the discussion on multi-company clans, since it appears that thread is dead. Here is my understanding.

    1. Bigpoint is looking for a way to find a BALACED approach to fixing this problem, but at the same time they are concerned about revenue and the number of people they might make angry with their solution

    2. Elite gamers who are part of MCCs believe that wars are part of the game and always will be. Their understanding is that MCCs came to be because of their servers becoming inactive, causing bored players to join up, even if they aren't in the same company. This group includes players who spend a lot of money and time on the game, and play for rank.

    3. Casual gamers are those who have complicated personal lives and cannot spend the time or money currently required to keep up with the game's constantly changing requirements. This group includes those who spend a bit here and there, and get on for fun when they can. Because they may not be as active as players in group 2: A. They cannot join a Multi-company clan because they may need to be inactive periodically because of their complicated personal life B. They cannot join a smaller clan because Multi-company clans decide who gets to do events and who doesn't C. They cannot go solo because Multi-company clans will call members of other companies in their own clan to kill them if they get in their way.

    Feel free to correct me or add to these perspectives in case I'm forgetting some issues.

    From the nature of these three perspectives, we need a solution that 1. Will allow players to keep buying uri to obtain ammo for pvp 2. Will allow MCCs to still hunt together and 3. Will alleviate some frustration among casual gamers so that they won't say, "Screw it" and go play other games.

    I believe a reasonable solution is the following:

    1. Have a free company swap period where players that fall into group #2 can switch companies without losing honor

    2. Remove clans COMPLETELY -- a lot of people have suggested that we end Multi-company clans and alliances, so why not remove clans completely? There are three companies for a reason, but right now because there are so many MCCs, there are probably realistically more than 300 companies

    3. Increase group size to 50, and remove friendly fire

    4. Add more gates that are like Hades, giving players of the same company even more of a reason to work together, but still allowing MCC groups to participate in PVE

    This solution should keep the cashflow coming in from players who play for rank AND add cash flow from players who currently refuse to spend money right now because of the lack of ability to progress in the game, while still having ample PVP for players who spend a lot of time and money for rank.


    I cannot completely grasp the solutions to the mcc.. all i can say is that mcc has remove the fun of playin as no more proper company hunt ..for me the game is messier now and im thingking of completely stopping again as i did for good 5 yrs..
  3. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I can somewhat agree with most of these points. When it comes to point 2, removing clans and allowing people to switch between companies may cause one company to get significant more players than the others. After all, where would you rather be as a beginner? In a company with a lot of strong players? And how about more advanced players? Or players who know each other, perhaps even in real life, I doubt they will enjoy it if at the end of the penalty-free-switch-period they end up in different companies. Even if you would add a maximum amount of players to a company, you would still have this problem.

    When it comes to point 3, I feel like 50 players will make it way too difficult to maintain overview of all of your outfit members.
  4. It's an even distribution. when have the EXACT same number of players been in all 3 companies? online at the same time? Also, they can have a separate window for group or somehow change the interface so that players taking damage are closer to the top of the list. there are lots of things they can do to make group easier to work with.
  5. HI All,

    A new look at an old problem. Meat Pill, very good. I am a number 3. I don't play here very much because MCC has sort of wore me out. I have three ships and the best one is in a company the other 2 are not. I don't see any benefit from being in a company. The only reason I join a company was to build battle stations. I know they are worthless and yes they are not up long (9 days was the longest and less than a minutes was the shortest (MCC killed it as soon as it was online as I watched cloaked))

    I don't know what to do to MCC. What I do know if your own company man kills you he/she should loose levels. I'm not a wallet warrior and will never be. I try to work for what I get, and it takes a long time to move up and equip. We (#3) pay the price in the game. I don't play as much as I use to.

    Dark Orbit need to realize that a wallet warrior spends 10 dollars. There are 10 players who maybe spending 1 dollar. Now who might spend another dollar a wallet warrior or a player? You can add as many zeros you want behind the first set of numbers. I hope you get what I mean. So Dark Orbit who is really your most valuable player a "Wallet Warrior or Player." One more thing Dark Orbit there are a lot more players than wallet warriors.

    There are events for people who love to kill other players, and do so. Maybe DO needs more of them for the MCC's. BUT most of the time when I get killed is when I just finished killing and alien and I'm at my weakest. I'm a PVE player, and not really a PVP. Don't get me wrong I have been in the PVP games but I don't last long. I try to help my company, but I'm little help it seems.

    So I don't play long and I have found another game. Elevenar a game like city, but you have a hunting field too. You build it up and you make it grow. They had Diamonds instead of Uri. The only problem this game you get Uri for many thing you do and I like that. Diamonds are given to you at first then you have to buy the rest. It is a nice game and there are people helping you and no one is hunting you down. Well at least not yet. I don't know if it has that option. They do have PVP events I think, but I haven't been there.

    See DO, I always said this game was it. Well the way the game has been going it isn't the IT anymore. I play because of all the investment I put into the game and I don't want to give it all away. So I stay here, but I play little. If I could get my money back I would be gone in a heart back.

    Thank you Meat Pill for yours words. I don't think they will go far. The people who own Dark Orbit are like the 3 monkeys (Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil). Oh yes there is a 4th monkey give me your money.

    uber_paul and badwon[spt] like this.
  6. meatpill-Warlord

    I enjoyed your first two points: that we have a free company switching day or simply eliminate clans completely--or both. It could be a possibility that Dark Orbit announces that there will be a free company switch day so that MCCs can adjust accordingly, by bringing their clan members to one company before clans are eliminated completely.


    Best of luck,
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 8, 2018
  7. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello meatpill-Warlord,

    We ask that you please provide your feedback on the designated MCC feedback thread.

    Closing as referred to appropriate thread.
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