[SC] which LF-4 should I choose?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by tokenslive, Jan 6, 2019.

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  1. tokenslive

    tokenslive User

    Out of the four LF-4 available
    LF-4 LV 16
    LF-4 Magmadrill
    LF-4 Paritydrill
    LF-4 Hyperplasmoid
    which one should I choose for all round good game play and why?
  2. Firstly, you can toss out the Level 16 LF4s, as they are completely useless with the three new ones. The new ones are un-upgradeable, but with a base damage of 212, on par with a Level 16 LF4.

    Now, for all around?

    Hyperplasmoid. Gives a beautiful HP bonus (Additional 17.5% with 35 Hyperplasmoids), which is good for both PvP & PvE. Note that Hyperplasmoids on your PET will only increase its HP, not your ship's.
  3. tokenslive

    tokenslive User

    I feel that.
    On the Paritydrill and Magmadrill is it 5% damage total or per canon installed?
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @tokenslive ,

    The extra damage added is as follows:
    212 Base Damage for all 3 (MagmaDrill, ParityDrill, and Hyperplasmoid)
    For Magmadrill: +5 Damage for PvP (217 Total Damage for Magmadrill against PvP ONLY)
    For ParityDrill: +5 Damage for PvE (217 Total Damage for Paritydrill against PvE ONLY)

    For further LF4 information you can read through the FAQ for it.

    As for what laser is best that is subjective and comes down to your personal preferences for PvP and PvE.

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
    KilerStreak likes this.
  5. tokenslive

    tokenslive User

    yes i have a question...
    What is you preference?
  6. Do not seek out any LF4s...

    Do not use keys on chests for LF4s, do not spend Uridium for gates during Laserstorm to get enhanced LF4s, and for sure do not craft any enhanced LF4s either. All LF4s are currently obsolete.

    Instead, focus on Prometheus lasers; they are the supreme laser now, they even blow the HP-LF4s and Magmadrill LF4s out of the water in terms of overall versatility and usefulness. They are also easier to obtain, in terms of grinding NPCs, than the enhanced LF4s are. Good luck.
    ZÿИΛPS™ and _alien10_ like this.
  7. olleH

    olleH User

    The hyperplasmoids can still be used in very specific situations, eg. when u defend a base with citadel and just want to tank.

    In every other way, as Wirwerdenniesosein already said, Prometheus lasers are very much better than all others.
    _alien10_ likes this.
  8. If you want the edge, LF4s are still superior to the Prometheus lasers by a few points.
    The "bonus damage" is quite easy to evade, allowing them to drop in overall DPS for the remainder of the fight.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
  9. Yes, Wirwerdenniesosein Prometheus are superior...
  10. olleH

    olleH User

    I completely disagree here.
    If you test the lasers yourself, you will notice that the bonus shot will always hit, always meaning 100% always.
    If you shoot the bonus shot into a instashield, the bonus shot will hit again and again until it goes through and hits. If the bonus shot is a miss shot in general, the next shot will be with bonus damage...
    When an enemy repairs and you shoot him having 10seconds protection, you will do 11 bonus shots until it hits(...)

    Aswell, the more you "kite" during a fight, the more you move in/out the more advantage will be given by the bonus shots.

    Two things to consider are:
    1. Bonus damage doesn't effect sab50
    2. Switching configuration will reset bonus shot cool down so you should switch config right after bonus shot.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  11. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Interesting, not to be rude or anything but can you confirm all of these based on your own experience? Because in that case, great discoveries and thanks for sharing.

    Anyway as most said already, prometheus lasers are (unfortunately) superior.
    KilerStreak likes this.
  12. olleH

    olleH User

    Yes, it's from my own experiences/tests.
    Still I might have gotten something wrong, but having 48 of those lasers for some weeks already on one ship, I am pretty sure to be right with what I said :)
  13. Yes as we have tested it in fights its become wildly devastating in fights if you see someone shooting the purple fats. You can insta but the next hit is a pop if you are low. We messed around with the different configs and looking at the time/cost/benefit the prom lasers makes the money used to level lf4s wasted.