[TI] Clan List

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zlindra, Jan 29, 2019.

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  1. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    My clan has been on this site for at least 9 years, KIN has also been registered as a clan on the drop down list for all those 9 years. Lately it has seemed that clan KIN has disappeared from the drop down list, I have sent two letters in over the past three weeks with no reply. It would be great for someone to address this issue and place KIN back on the clan list.
    Thank You for you time
  2. What position is the clan? Have you been through the entire list? What drop down list are you referring to?
  3. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Zlindra ,

    In order to help with your issue can you provide some more details with the issue your having? Are you referring to the clan list that you can use to join clans?
    Zlindra likes this.
  4. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Is KIN the clan name or clan tag?

    I've found trying to search for a clan via their tag doesn't work very well at all which is more than a little annoying if you want to interact with them.

    The clan search function on Clan Information page, where you get a drop down list of possible matches - Doesn't work if the clan tag/name has special characters, unless you already know and have a copy of the name to type/copy paste into the search box - Sort of defeats the purpose of a search function when you have to know the name and have a copy of it if it has special characters. There is also a minimum of 4 characters to trigger a search, so if your clan name is KIN, I'm surprised you have ever been able to search for and find it.

    Clan search has never been good, there are threads dating back over 10 years asking for it to be made better.
    Zlindra likes this.
  5. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    9 years ago we registered our clan KIN and it was on the list of clans to join, until recently. The clan name KIN is both the name and the tag names.
    I have had three pilots try to join the clan and were unable to do so. When I tried to find KIN I could not find it anywhere.

    I hope this helps you guys out in order to help find a remedy to this issue,

    Thank You
  6. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    Yes. no one seems to able to apply for this clan. I cant find clan KIN registered anyplace, nor can i find KIN on the drop down list for anyone to join our clan.
  7. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    Yes I have been through the whole list, I dont understand what you are meaning about "What position is the Clan?" The list I am referring to is the drop down list of clan when you are trying to join a clan.
  8. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    Yes, I have had a few pilots try and join and unable to find KIN in t he list anywhere.
  9. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Zlindra ,

    Could you please post your userid and server?
  10. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Sometimes if you can't find a clan in clan search but know what rank the clan is, you can find it that way. Doesn't work if you are in a clan but someone looking for Kin would just need to know what rank the clan is, go to Clan on backpage, Join, select/click Rank at the top of the endless list of mainly inactive clans. Click it once you will see clans listed by rank starting at whoever is at No1. Click it twice you get to start at the other end [I really don't recommend that].
    So once you have clans sorted by rank just jump through pages until you find something close KIN. Clan list usually has 20 clans per page, so if KIN is for instance ranked 105, you can safely skip the first 5 pages as KIN would likely be on page 6.
  11. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    Yes we have always been able to find it. We have always only had KIN as Our name. however, I am seeing that Our name for some reason {we did not add it on} us1_KIN I have no idea why it look like that now. Its always been just KIN.
    how will that help get My Clan KIN relisted so people can find it to join our clan? also if i could find that information i would not want to post that in public. Just need someone to add out clan name back so pilots can join the clan again.
  12. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Zlindra , I assume from the post that your clan was on us1, and went ahead and ran a test, which found your clan under "us1_KIN" as the tag. The reason there is a us1_ in front of the KIN is because of the server merges.

    To change that, simple edit your clan news:


    Then Change your clan tag to whatever you would like.


    Do you have any further questions or can we close
  13. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Ok.. when they did the server merges players and clans got the server tag they came from added to their names.. It is however quite easy to remove it if you wish to.

    It would make searching it far easier XD
  14. Zlindra

    Zlindra User

    Thank You very much I did not know about the merge, I did find KIN after adding the us1_. I should have put that together myself. Thank You all for all the help trying to get this understood. My clan news doesn't have an edit it just has an add next to it. However, As long as pilots can find the clan I can deal with the us1_. Again thank You guys so much.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2019
  15. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing as answered,

    Enjoy and good luck with recruiting!
    Zlindra likes this.
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