[TI] Mac Client, 64 and 32 bit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by UltimaThule, Aug 18, 2020.

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  1. Hi,

    Your download does not work with any current or older version of OS X, just FYI.

    My money does not work with the current version of DO. Funny how that works, isn't it?
  2. Its pretty much a given that things are made for Windows first if made for the world to use. If made for anything else at that point is a luxury. At the same time, not everything made for Mac, is made for windows. I am still wondering why Microsoft made Office for Mac. Oh wait, because they could not do for themselves and communicate with the rest of the world. Funny how that works. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. But yet Chrome, Edge and Firefox run on Windoze and OS X, and the "client" is DO's version of Chromium, the build version of Google Chrome browser. So not a luxury, more like an oversight. Even Linux users can run Chromium, sometimes Chrome, and Firefox. Many software engineers use OS X, because Linux is built in and there isn't the BS of the windoze APIs.
  4. Oh, your still looking for it?
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello UltimaThule,

    Are you still experiencing this issue?
  6. Well, yes. Have you heard back from your team that there is a Mac client? If not, this is still an issue.

    You would think a browser config for multiple browsers would not be hard, as it is all surface decisions. But I guess if you are trying to mine data farther down the pipe that would OS specific as well as reprehensible.
  7. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @UltimaThule ,

    At this time, there is no Mac client available to download, you would need to use a browser with flash capabilities (example - chrome).

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
  8. xDANx

    xDANx User

    yes.. will we have a Mac client available to download in the future?
  9. ^ my question as well
  10. SoloMaster

    SoloMaster User

    Also looking for a Linux client as well.........