[GI] How to equip my ship from inventory

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Orso, Aug 13, 2021.

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  1. Orso

    Orso User

    When I expand my inventory in the hangar, I get several panels full of diverse equipment. How can I equip my ship with a particular piece? I am at a loss.
  2. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Orso ,

    The expanded hangar gives you options to quickly view your entire inventory, however to equip you still need to minimize and use the sidebar on the right with the items to equip to your ship.

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
  3. Orso

    Orso User

    Please don't close yet. I have to check first if I can use your advice, and will come back. Thanks.

    It's exactly the problem I am having here.

    If I minimize the inventory, I see only a tiny portion of what's in it (I see exactly 16 items).

    Scroling the sidebar at the right of the minimized inventory does not help - there is nothing else there than those 16 items, and obbviously I am unable to get to the whole contents of the inventory as it is minimized.

    What now?

    To make it perfectly clear, only those 16 items are available for equipping (though dragging & dropping).
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2021
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    If scrolling doesn't show any new items, one of two potential things may be happening:

    - Whatever tab you're selected on (Ship, Drones, Pet) may only have those items available to equip
    - Your cache is acting up / unable to pull the item images so they are blank (A cache clear should resolve that)

    If you post a screenshot of your expanded inventory, and of your minimized inventory, this will help make it more clear what it could be (For your minimized inventory - if you could try to take 2 screenshots - 1 without scrolling, 1 with scrolling)
  5. Orso

    Orso User

    I will formulate the problem differently.

    I am trying to equip my SHIP (not a drone, not a PET). Obviously the SHIP tab is selected.

    The expanded inventory consists of 4 almost full panels and 1 empty panel. In one of those panels there is a G3N-7900 speed generator with which I want to equip my ship, but I can't drag&drop it as my ship isn't visible at the same time as the expanded inventory. If I minimize the inventory again, my ship is visible with its empty slots but obviously again, I can't drag&drop the item from the inventory as it is not visible on the screen.

    With the inventory minimized, all I see is one panel at the right but with only 17 items on it (yesterday, there were 16, the difference being an item I bought in the auction yesterday). The G3N-7900 is not amongst them. When I scroll down, 4 empty panels become visible.

    I think this is as clear as it gets.
  6. sssdda

    sssdda User

    I think you have equipped G3N-7900 in another ship. Check other ships and if there are any G3N-7900s, double click to remove them and retry equipping. you need to remove them from all configurations of all ships except you`re trying to equip.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
  7. Orso

    Orso User

    And how would I have done that?

    This is obviously nonsense.
  8. sssdda

    sssdda User

    You can forget to unequip items from former ships. Please try to check before blame it for nonsense.
  9. Orso

    Orso User

    It IS nonsense. Whether or not another ship is equipped has no relation with this issue. While I am managing a certain ship, it is impossible to "inadvertently" equip some other ship that is not activated.

    And besides, the item I want to equip my ship with is still there, in the inventory, so I could hardly have equipped some other hypothetical ship with it, could I?
  10. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Orso ,

    The full-size inventory page will show a list of all ship equipment you own, regardless of whether it is equipped or not on your current ship
  11. Orso

    Orso User

    Thank you for this clarification. So how do I see what items I can still use for equipping my ship?
  12. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The sidebar to the right will contain a list of any items you can equip to your ship if they are not currently in use on another ship. If they are in use on your ship, but on a different config, you'll notice they have a different background/border to indicate that
  13. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing - No response from OP
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