[UIP] Laserstorm

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jayherbo, Jan 7, 2022.

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  1. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Not been one for a while, when will there be another one:confused:
  2. for what?
    Prometheus lasers are much better and this promotion is not needed for their production
    HunterCataOfficial likes this.
  3. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    LASERSTORM is for LF-4-Parity-HP-Magma! Why even mention Prometheus or promotion? Stop trying to bump your forum score!
  4. 1) He has a valid question. You should read what others post two times, so you make sure you don't write something uncool. There used to be a sale when the event was up, therefore it does qualify as a promotion of some sort. That's a thing of the past though, nowadays you don't get a sale for such weaponry.

    2) The event has been renamed to Enhanced LF-4 Day (as seen on Discord and the Calendar on forums aswell) and works only in specific gates, such as Delta, Zeta, Epsilon, Lambda, and Kuiper. It also has a chance to give you 10,000 UCB-100 instead, so it's even more of a gamble. On the Sunday of the next week, the event will come back, so you can try your luck to get enhanced LF-4s. Do note that you can't get them with the Dispatch function.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure I covered every single thing that was needed.
  5. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Enhanced LF-4 Day only drops old LF4/Havoc, not parity/hp/magma as stated on description on the back page. On special reward days sometimes a Parity/HP/Magma is on offer. I have full Havocs and Hercs, not once did any of said Laser drop. I have had most of my Magma/HP/Parity from Green Booty + 5 from (Voyager Pack).

    wiki Galaxy Gates Special Rewards Day Enhanced L-F4 Lasterstorm

    GG Special: Enhanced LF-4's Day / Lasterstorm
    A rupture in space has caused the Delta, Kappa, and Zeta Galaxy Gates to start dropping Enhanced LF-4’s. Get in and grab some while you can!
    Available Enchanted LF-4s found in their certain Galaxy Gate:
    LF-4 Paritydrill -- Kappa Gate
    LF-4 Magmadrill -- Zeta Gate
    LF-4 Hyperplasmoid -- Delta Gate

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2022
  6. That event only happened in 2019 and then stopped. People were wondering about laserstorm and it never returned. Discord logs checks out. We think it was replaced by Enhanced LF-4 Day, something you can ALSO see in the calendar and the weekly forecast. Enhanced LF-4 Day gives you only one of the things listed here, if you complete the gates mentioned above without Dispatch:
    • 1 LF-4 Hyperplasmoid;
    • 1 LF-4 Magmadrill;
    • 1 LF-4 Paritydrill;
    • 10,000 UCB-100.
    There is no trace of regular LF-4 nor or Havoc, unless you're looking at the GG Special Rewards Day whose versions change weekly, which ALSO isn't at all Enhanced LF-4 Day, since you don't get any of the enhanced LF-4s.

    For more information on this topic, check the english forum FAQ about Galaxy Gates. From there, you can find more information about this Enhanced LF-4 Day: https://board-en.darkorbit.com/threads/galaxy-gates-new-rewards-faq.127345/
  7. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    From my own experience of doing said GG on said days etc I have found wiki and forum link to be at best inaccurate.

    Close thread :)
  8. Trust me, the wiki is far more outdated than you think and I'm not willing to update it anymore, since I've been the only one updating it. It's tiresome and I'm not even getting anything out of it. The english FAQs themselves aren't as up-to-date as you think, but they provide a good amount of information. That same GG New Rewards FAQ that I've sent you needs to be updated to reflect the changes noted in the Turkish Forums, but we gotta wait for the devs to pass up official information about that.

    Regardless, I hope your issue was solved.
    jayherbo likes this.
  9. Why do you need these outdated lasers?
  10. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    I have noticed these past few weeks that Green Booty have been nerfed
    : CLO4K-XL
    : LF-4 Paritydril
    : LF-4 Magmadrill
    : LF-4 Hyperplasmoid
    : Micro-transistors

    These items (LF-4S') are almost near impossible to get now except for doing GG on certain days.
    Trust me, lowering drops % doesn't make me spend more £££ I'll not spend anything now I know Green Booty doesn't have what I want:cool:
    Can't stand the way this game is going has gone, it's all about bots bots bots:mad:

    After posting this, they all started to mysteriously dropo_O
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2022
  11. I literally found 2 50 cloaks and a few LF4 variants this week lol. I actually found 50 cloaks LESS prior to this year.
  12. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    It's completely outdated for a long time :confused: since Astral :confused:, old drops are virtually non existent :eek:, the majority of players' don't want Astral :(, so how did it get introduced o_O
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2022
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
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