[GI] Auction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ~samohen~(success), Apr 20, 2022.

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  1. Now I have seen it all and I have been playing for a long time.
    Auction for an item bid at 1,550,133,123
    In total 6 items bid over 1 billion by the same player in the same hour.
    All major components.
    Now how can any new or intermediate player compete with that???
    I am not blaming the bidder but the way the game is going.
    jayherbo likes this.
  2. im guessing you didn't see the guy who bidded 90 bilions on something, and to answer you, a new player cant compete with that, and it shouldnt be able to compete with, that guy played for a lot of hours to get that amount of credits and when the new player will get to play for the same amount of hours, than he will be able to compete
  3. :D:D:D
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing - This forum is for game related general issues only
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