Astral gate Problem.

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by °»§¥§ŦŒM•Øf•GêAR§«°, Jun 30, 2022.

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  1. i have 3 problems, first problem: my first try on astral game basically was a waste of CPU and time, the waves did not count for my objetives only for the cpu used, my configuration was getting reset every time I was getting out of the gate :( and i did not last long and got killed, ,. waste of time and cpu...,my second time trying again the same every weapon/shield/generation/madules/ammo were been reset when getting out of the gate :( and for not having ammo weapons etc i was kill again, and the last issue was when finally i was doing good i was killed beacuse the whole page shut down by appearing a white page with a error type of sign in the middle of the page and then opened the page back again and when it did i was killed again,,... can you do anything for me , I have been trying hard to play the event and is not fare that this happened to me...

    Usa 1
    ID 6823710
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  2. I also had many of these problems but they dont even care. My hp was not even restored after some bosses, its really full of bugs.
  3. It's funny at the start we all got only 50k x1 now they realize it wasn't enough so they gave 500k to start but didn't give the original cpu's back or a way to craft them so a lot of smaller accounts couldn't even try the event.
    Trust me when I say there is nothing in the booty rewards for any ufe player so the event was really for smaller accounts other than the top 5 rewards.
    jayherbo and DefenderOfMMO like this.
  4. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Gawd knows what they're doing now, game has been down for 30 minutes:confused:
  5. I never had the reset issue and I jumped out several times. Same with others I know.

    There does seem to be some counting issues with the BP, as I used 3 keys, while at 8/10 and only 1 counted.

    I also lost a Gate to massive lag being my 2nd one. My first gate my dad who I'm a caretaker for just so happened to have 50 requests and it got me killed :(
  6. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  7. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing / inactive
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