Do bonus boxes give boosters now?

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by dvmu9, Jun 30, 2022.

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  1. dvmu9

    dvmu9 User

    I was farming bonus boxes recently and while doing it i noticed that my health had increased by about 5-10%, and i had not bought any boosters. So do bonus boxes now give boosters?
  2. in the booster window you can see what affects hp
    nothing can just increase))
  3. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    You might of been near other players' with shared boosters', that could explain any increase :cool:
  4. then they must be in a group
  5. dvmu9

    dvmu9 User

    Where can i find it?

    I wasn't in a group
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 12, 2022
  6. what do you want to find?
    boosters in the booster window, it will also show a bonus from hyper and hydra
  7. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    You don't have to be in a group to benefit from nearby players' with shared boosters' vice versa etc, ask any GM:D
  8. Back in the old days this was the case but currently you need to be in an outfit to get shared boosters
  9. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Thanks for assisting the OP,

    Hello @dvmu9 ,

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
  10. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing / inactive
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