Negative honor mission

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by CocasTheKiller, Aug 26, 2022.

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  1. I have just now completed the "An offer you can´t refuse" mission but I still have my negative honour, nothing changed. Shoulnt the honor points be reset to 0 after I complete the mission?
  2. Wasn't the mission just to get you to 0+ honor and then it completed? Been a long time since I got outlaw (Thanks for the bug abuse players DarkOrbit), but pretty sure it was a simple objective.
  3. No, the mission said make 1 alpha gate. I did, the mission said it was completed but I remain with the same negative honor instead of it going to 0.
  4. Oh. thats not what it was like several years ago. I don't know. The original mission gave you a boosted honor income until you were no longer outlaw.
  5. missions have long been reworked
    there are several of them, so check the list of quests again
  6. xxulG

    xxulG User

    i have the same issue,i completed the mission "An offer you can´t refuse" and nothing changed,can anyone help?
  7. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing, inactive, issue answered above by player.
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