What happened to these servers? GB2 is empty.

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ThePantom, Nov 25, 2024.

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  1. ThePantom

    ThePantom User

    When I started the game in 2009, it was so beautiful and crowded that I would run to this game after school. Now when I think back, a person who invested 15 years in this game cannot hide his regret. All my efforts were in vain. Sorry guys, this is the last post. I will not play again. The game lost one of its oldest.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  2. i bet to differ im from december 2007 :p
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  3. bots, cheats, trains, and a combination of all of the above made the game undesirable for anyone else so that's all you have left.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  4. When I found this game on GB server I was amazed by it Sept 2009. I found US East and played from 7am to 11pm 6 days a week and made a star colonel by level 15. Old Client turned into new client and then lf4's then upgrades to lasers and so on now every time I log on I am a different rank and the less I play the better off I am in rank ...go figure. problems with my acct they can't fix and freezing game w/assembly. Not going to mention bots as it seems to be just a part of the game now. Too bad this game could have been bigger than it is now. Don't blame you for leaving as it crossed my mind almost daily.
    ☺chris☻[CHG]☺ likes this.
  5. cant find euro 4 sever any more ??