America (EAST) server

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by steel_bolt, Aug 21, 2023.

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  1. steel_bolt

    steel_bolt User

    From User #170669532
    America (EAST) is not working . It's been like this off and on for about a week or so now.
    The only server That I can get on is the Global server. it's starting to get ridiculous. I never know from one day to the next if I'm going to be able to play. It keeps getting stuck on the establishing connection screen. Your attention in this matter would be deeply appreciated.
  2. Agreed. Although today I did manage to get the backpage up, it was extremely slow.
    Been waiting over a half hour for the client screen to show something other than 'Establishing Connection' and the 'Please wait ...' request.
    It seems to be approximately the same time of day; time frame is from about 7:00am Eastern through to the current 10:10am Eastern.
    steel_bolt likes this.
  3. I noticed that best period of day to play successfully without waiting or getting connection error, in after midnight and before 9.00 am, after that to get play or even first page, is lottery. past 3 weeks is been horrible trying to play , and eventually left away doing other things. today 3 pm - present time, no go on playing. And every day its fortune of wheel what exact time get anywhere on this site. Sad that things left flow to the drain.
    steel_bolt likes this.
  4. ...Update: This seems to be working much better today. Thanks to whomever (the grp)
    steel_bolt likes this.
  5. steel_bolt

    steel_bolt User

    Here we go again! it worked ok for one day, Now nothing! Global and Global America 2 don't seem to even seem to exist anymore. No matter what I try getting onto, it goes straight to Global America.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  6. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello, this has been a result of the ongoing DDoS attacks against the Bigpoint servers.
    steel_bolt likes this.
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