Auto LogOut (Work Around)

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by ŁÁĞÏ™, Aug 5, 2016.

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  1. Haven't been around for a while, took a break from DO, and now back again hitting the pirates again, they have no where to hide :).

    So here it is, my latest Hint and Tip for DO users.

    (Please Note: I am aware that this may have been made discovered before, but I don't know that do I)

    Alot of people complain about the fact DO logs out when you quickly change tab to take a look at facebook or something after a few seconds or maybe a minute, well, here's a solution for those who hate it or find it annoying.

    Firstly, in most browsers, or possibly all of them (Including Operating Systems), DO will create a new tab when you click "START" to open the space map (see picture below):

    As you can see, we have the backpage on the left (DarkOrbit Reloaded), and the SpaceMap on the right (DarkOrbit).

    Now click and hold your left mouse button on the SpaceMap tab and drag it away from the other tabs (Downwards preferably), this will move the SpaceMap to a new window so it is completely independent (or on its own in a new browser window in simple terms), you may need to maximize it again if it doesn't do so automatically.

    On doing this, you now have this in your Task Bar in windows:

    Now, when you play using the newly created window for the SpaceMap, and then switch to the other window to use the backpage, Google Chrome (Or your chosen browser depending if it causes this logout issue) will assume it is still the active tab (in its own environment), and will not auto log you out after 20 seconds, of course, the auto logout of 10 minutes inactivity will still happen. (This also applies to facebook and any other webpage you wish to view which is within the same window as the DO backpage).

    Hope this helps some players and prevents headaches and stressing :).

    Once again, thank you for reading.

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello and Welcome back ŁÁĞÏ™,

    Thank you for the helpful tips. Just to add on a bit of info, The reason users get the disconnect menu is down to how Chrome or other browsers handle inactive tabs and the socket information sent by the game. This is something the developers can't fix as the issue lies within the browser.

    Irritating and all, most of us still continue to use chrome to play Dark Orbit :)

    -=Fly Safe and Take Care=-
  3. Thank Your Deter, I will edit the thread as it points towards the game being at fault, so I shall edit it to say that Chrome is at fault.

  4. Thanks Lagi, I never knew this. It started happening about 2-3 months ago, I guess Chrome must have changed how their browser works...
  5. I have known about this for over a year and it has had no effect on my being logged out or not. I have tried everything I can to prevent being logged out when I go to back page to buy ammo or deal with SkyLab but I have found nothing to prevent this from happening. This happens with Opera, Chrome, Firefox, and Maxthon so is there any other suggestions?

  6. its this a problem asin goin to backpage buying something like pet fuel and then goin to game page to find out it says new conection or logout?
  7. Yes, currently, I am using Torch browser, which is Chromium based (basically a tweaked Chrome), and the issue occurs on this browser. I am yet to check other browsers.

    But I can safely say this Work Around does work on Torch browser, so should also be affective with other Chromium based browsers.


    Can you please go to chrome://flags (Obviously in Chrome) and check for me to see if "Enable tab discarding" has Enable or Disable under it please. If it says Disable below it, please click Disable so it changes to Enable. If "Enable tab discarding" doesn't exist, please look for "Automatic tab discarding".

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 7, 2016
  8. It was set to "default" so i made the change will see it if helps. Thank you.
  9. Cool, let me know if this helps.

  10. ReqFranç

    ReqFranç User

    Hello, Deter!
    If you said this bug of the web browser, You can provide the link that describes the problem with background tabs timeouts? ex, Chromium ID Bugtracker

    I don't found anything the problem of many bugtrackers.
    I think This is game issue for wrong setTimeout js function, DO's Developers will need to fix it
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016