blimey - astral problems

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dr.Ruppel, Mar 3, 2023.

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  1. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

    so - the new season thing is cool- whatever - my problem is i cant use an astral = ive got loads of keys - when i jump in the gate - nought happens with new seasons - am i missing something ? - it asks for 10 use of astral - 1 in the week too
  2. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    It may work like normal Astral - You get nothing until you die.
    I'd suggest you die in Astral gate, use another cpu and see if it counts off season pass.
  3. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

    worth a go i guess !
  4. Problem is it says to use a cpu not to complete the gate they should get the wording right!!!
    Why use the cpu now then it won't be good for the event as if you lay it down before the event it doesn't count. Cheers
    Excessive likes this.
  5. Dr.Ruppel

    Dr.Ruppel User

    its sorted - ty for the info - ive just used an astral cpu by popping myself
    Larrakin likes this.
  6. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing - User self-resolved
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