Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by DrillON, Aug 20, 2023.

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  1. DrillON

    DrillON User

    Cant Log into game? Nothing comes up page does not load. Timed out.
    Dark orbit refuses to connect. Every other day this happens. If its not freezing in game its major Lag. If you go any where near Hanger expect it to freeze up completely.
    DrillON GB1 [​IMG]172514155 .
  2. You’re not alone.
    Funny that this doesn't apply to all players.
    while those who can't play or even get to the technical page,
    the players elsewhere happily complete tasks,
    getting 100% of the benefits they paid for. It's not fair,
    and then they try to fix it with 2-week premium and 10-hour boosts etc.
    What's the use, when the next week is wasted in the same way when you just can't play.
    DrillON and DEXTER-MORGAN like this.
  3. Same here on the US West server. Bots will continue to rank up though because they don't log off.
    DrillON likes this.
  4. Keiitsuo

    Keiitsuo User

    I play on Global and still can't log in, this is very frustrating. The same thing happens every 2 days or so. Last sunday I didn't finish galaxy gate double reward because server was off, and now the same things happen, I bet the next sunday there will be the same problem. I'm tired of all this, I can't even casual play :(
    (sorry for my english)
    DrillON likes this.
  5. This game has been doing this for over a month now almost 2 months over an hour just to login to back page clicked start it says my 8 hour honor booster was accepted but it never logged me in and now fighting with back page again, worst game play out of any other game on the net. BP should be so proud they are making history to be the worst company going!!
    DrillON likes this.
  6. tibstar

    tibstar User

    gb2 same
  7. DrillON

    DrillON User

    Back the same today GRRRR. Badgateway Dark orbit refuse to connect. I have to say I would like compo for the full month of not being able to get on. I require a hellcat ship and 5 Prometheus La. This game is a NIGHTMARE.

    Got back on but only after trying all severs, then going back to global after the page came up , dam not going to do that every day.

    Still cant log in to play game . Mane page is freezing up. sighing out try again later maybe.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 21, 2023
    steel_bolt likes this.
  8. Same here. And once logged after gazillion attempts, there are big lags in the game. As for compo I'd suggest a Centurion Ship with 10 Prometheus Lasers ^^
    DrillON and steel_bolt like this.
  9. What a joke this game has become, couldn't login for the 5th weekend in a row on double gg.
    Now today managed to login and get most on my missions complete just to disconnect in the middle of a map with "Undertaker" title now can't establish a connection LMAO
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 22, 2023
    DrillON and ]Coldheart[ like this.
  10. Update: Now login is fine but game lagging like crazy. Anyone else going through that? Takes 20 to 30sec config switching. Cannot complete galaxy gate, got stuck 2xtimes... Big lags when jumping and so on... In 2023 at AI era there is not a smart developer able to solve it once for all? Unless of course, they hire cheap ones...
    DrillON likes this.
  11. Now seems working fine. Question is, how long :eek:
  12. DrillON

    DrillON User

    Back to the same again Cant log in to play GAME. Takes forever to load main page/
  13. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    yay game page taking like 4 days to load, wow love this new format. awesome DO keep up the good work ...
    DrillON likes this.
  14. Grandpa_II

    Grandpa_II User

    do a server reset or something this not being able to log in is getting old like me lol. i lost 15 rank positions since this stuff is going on along with my 50% boosters are waisted come on lets get with the program and fix this
    DrillON likes this.
  15. Why does it matter to even get in the game now it's full of lag, freezing, bots, auto lockers, bugs where cbs is instantly repaired seen other ships use other ship ability's.
    It's like there is really only 1 person working on the game and all the problems are too much to handle, honestly it just gives me a headache to even play it anymore!!!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  16. not just that but apparently it doesn't matter if you get banned nowadays since the dude that got banned on ga1 last week didnt loose any honor or rk, rankk went down 30 mill just for it to pop back up exactly where it was prior to their ban, this game is a joke
  17. Now today I logged out to try and login and got,
    This site can’t be reachedThe web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
    The only way to get into the game is click the URL and click the server i am on to login to the game.
    Everyday something new breaks like the Synk they had how about fix the game before wasting valuable time just to take out drone repair cpus from the shop!!!
  18. Even after restart server and cache cleared:

    This site can’t be reached. The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
  19. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The game has been under extended DDoS attacks recently, unfortunately all we can do at this time is continue to hope the game team finds a way to mitigate or stop them.
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