Captcha boxes bug

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by DefenderOfMMO, Aug 3, 2022.

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  1. The captcha box system is still bugged after so much time since it was released.
    It keep showing up on the other side of the map and i cant even move to complete it. Please fix it.
  2. I had this issue, only way to fix it was to relog
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  3. It happens when you're moving while its spawning, and then you just skip across the map. The system should just be removed, its not even coming close to stopping bots, and you get can get it np on the client, their own damn client. It's so annoying when I'm in PvP and it appears then I get killed for it. Trash system.
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Thanks for assisting the OP,

    Hello @DefenderOfMMO ,

    Are we free to close the thread?
  5. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing / inactive
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