Chromin Rush December

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, Nov 30, 2019.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your feedback for the December Chromin Rush event.

    1) How is this months event to your satisfaction?

    2) Anything in particular that was to your liking?

    3) We understand there may be many issues, but specifically which were the most important negative/downsides of the event?

    4) With the three items listed above, in your eyes is there something to which you felt could have been improved?
    • If so, how could we resolve this specific issue?
    The Dark Orbit team appreciates your feedback.
  2. Catch~22

    Catch~22 User

    No:1 whats the point just give the cheats the rewards.
    No2: really? collect chronin, then take it off us because some of the gates don't give chronin out ( poor coding skills, AGAIN,,)
    no:3 why call it a pvp game , when 90% are cheats,
    No:4 none of your actual coders, test anything just throw it in the game and hope it works,
    No5 there is far too much junk in the game now, eg: whens the next laser due ?????,
  3. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    And why is this event not shown in the forum calendar?
  4. 1) How is this months event to your satisfaction? It is not.

    2) Anything in particular that was to your liking? No.

    3) We understand there may be many issues, but specifically which were the most important negative/downsides of the event?
    Chromin not able to be 'stockpiled' for use when the quantity is high enough to be of use in crafting.

    4) With the three items listed above, in your eyes is there something to which you felt could have been improved?
    -Crafting using chromin not available for all, but the meager amounts are showing up for the short event duration.
    • If so, how could we resolve this specific issue?
    Two ways should be considered:

    a) remove chromin as a required substance
    b) allow chromin to be kept in a player's inventory for use at a later date.​
    Sgt~Ocker and EmperorOfTheOrbit like this.
  5. jukime

    jukime User

    box was good.
  6. The 'event' seems to be how to fleece users from time and effort. Even if you purchase the chromin it is stolen from you and converted to honor.

    Main problem was during the week you broke the game several times updating. We lost the time to craft items due to the 'assembly' going out. We could not access it for the time we were playing. You know to CRAFT THE ITEMS. So those of us trying to out lock the bots in the map to get materials were frustrated by the fun players who came through making sure their bot ships got the work done.

    So we figure the event goes through sunday. Nope for some odd reason it ended saturday? Why? Oh. Right the guys are rolling hades 12am to 11:59pm on sunday. Why have an event for the players who follow the TOS and play the game without help doing gates and farming.

    Get us some help in the maps and the events will go better.

    PRO TIP: Put the rocket struener in the maps and in each map an unkillable enemy company ship so the 'skilled players' run to port all day instead of auto-killing aliens. Seriously I have watched 2 Pussats in 1-7 for a week now running the maps. No ban no hinderance.
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