Craft Galaxy Gate parts with Solidus

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by test020, Nov 23, 2023.

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  1. test020

    test020 User

    Enough said, solidus seems like a worthless material for a even worthless item which are GGEU's, sure you can say that busy people can't do the gate or you can complete multiple gates while offline but you get no galaxy gate special bonuses from using it nor you get any alien kill reward either especially if you have active boosters, i tried using a GGEU during dispatch day and the rewards were utterly subpar compared to if i had done the gate by myself, according to solidus lore it lets you do time warping magic so it could be used to force a GG spinner to spit out a gate part instead because again, time warping magic.

    and please don't bring automated players having billions of the damn thing, i just don't want these trash items clogging my inventory and they are quite a negative when used, even selling it looks better but you can't for some silly reason, what is funny is that GGEU sells for 200c as if BP devs were mad at you even having the thought of selling the item, nevermind needing uridium to craft it...
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
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