Early Access Beta of our DarkOrbit Download Client

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by Deter, Jun 11, 2020.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Today on Thursday, 11th June, we are happy to present our first Early Access Beta of the new downloadable client for DarkOrbit.

    Just after logging into the game via www.darkorbit.com like usual, you’ll find a new button on the top of the menu called „Download“.

    Click the button to download the client and you will see a download page with detailed instructions how to install the Early Access Beta Client. Important: The Download Client is only available for Windows!

    The following installation process starts and guides you through the whole installation process:
    As soon as you installed the Client, you’ll find a desktop icon on your computer and with a simple click, you can open the game.
    When you login to your game, you have the option to choose a master password that gives you the possibility to store all your login data – this avoids that you have to enter the login data for different accounts all the time. If you chose a master password, and you enter your login credentials, you will have the option to „Save password“.
    If you don’t want to go this easy way, you can still login every time with entering your user data manually.
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