Galactic Strife TEST SERVER feedback 05-2020

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, May 4, 2020.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here regarding the May 2020 Test Server Galactic Strife.

    We made some changes to the event this time and appreciate your constructive feedback.

    Your Dark Orbit Team
    Too_Much_For_You likes this.
  2. So is HP link coming back according to the thread for re run it states hp link
  3. I can never get the items when I login to test server, what am I doing wrong?
  4. tibstar

    tibstar User

    no HP Link, but Mega Mine Gear
  5. how is it even possible that i got killed in 3 shots by a cyborg without a pet , when i have also cyborg + full prom lvl 16+ seprom and double boosters +pet +50skillpoints ?
  6. Enforxer

    Enforxer User

    Hello, i press button ''test server 2'' but nothing, the page does not load.
  7. Enforxer

    Enforxer User

    Solved, I opened the source code of the page and said that the problem was with antivirus. I deactivated the antivirus and now it works
  8. The feedback window in the game is all blacked out for me. Lag is over the top as usual. Battlepass is now in the shop for purchase. We only got the level 1 mine gear for the pet. Is it only available in level 1?

    Also some people like me were not around when the BO3s and the Prometheus upgrades came out. Maybe give those out to everyone next time? Or at least enough resources to upgrade and craft them.
    KIŁŁĘ® likes this.
  9. hello

    Hermes diroit no :(

    Hermes diroit we want

    Saturn no :(

    Saturn %10 PvP not try no :(

  10. Has anyone seen the Battle Pass objectives? I do not have the window in-game.
  11. how do i get in this server?
  12. matahari*

    matahari* User

    Why are plasmoid lasers etc. missing from assembles? I won't make Prometheus because 200,000 000 credits don't go in.
  13. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    The "Reputation Fever" should have been made for the duration of the server due to it being for one day. I got on and started it for the last minutes, I assume, of it. I've been fighting thinking my deaths and kills were just cancelling out despite the difference. 10 hours is a really long time to wait, especially since it's 6PM EST.
    Also, I'm a little outmatched due to not having anything but basic LF-4 right now. Missed out due to my break from the game.
  14. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    I'll merge my comments upon request.

    A lot of new players are coming back after breaks from the game, myself included. I've been out of it for 2 years and I'm in the test server with no havocs, hercules, spartans or even hermes. I'm flying a Solace with 10 Silver Demon drones and basic LF-4.
    I'm glad I received enough resources for 10 lvl 16 b03, but that doesn't do much for me since it takes 60something hours for an upgrade.
    I noticed some comments about extending the time of the test servers. I think it would be in the game's best interest to extend it for 3 days. You guys timed this in the middle of the Chromin Rush, and I don't see that being smart for players trying to get as much Chromin as possible.
    Secondly, I'd like to propose items are given out, if upgrades are possible, at level 16.
    Make all current lasers, designs and generators available for uri at least.
  15. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    why does it say on the forum board that test server is open 10am cest tommorow(wed),posted yest (tues) and today 10 30 am its finished
  16. So I decided to test the effectiveness of the Enforcer and Bastion with the new module combined withe the hp module. And where it stands Bastion does almost the same dmg as a Cyborg while the cyborg is just under the bastion in shield points when comparing a "battle config".
    The difference in HP when using Spartans and basic drone formation is 82,530 hp (657,720 - 575,190 = 82,530) and then ofcourse the cyborg has the singularity2 which if timed right can make up for the increase in hp it has to face if used correctly.

    When it comes to the Enforcer I decided to see which ship would do more dmg with lvl 16 lf4s to avoid big dmg jumps with proms. I also had a 25% dmg boost when I was testing the Cyborg but the Enforcer still did about 1,400 more dmg with x4s when using the same config with just the standard drone formation. I'd imagine the Enforcer would jump to about 2,300 dmg more than Cyborg if it had the 25% dmg boost. So just like the Bastion the Enforcer has 657,190 hp but less potential for more shields and not to forget the Cyborg does have a skill that eats hp if you let it.

    In 30 seconds the ability will deal 400k dmg straight to hp and if activated after an emp and the other pilot uses an insta shield and knocks 3 seconds of dmg(30k-ish) off leaving the emp 25 seconds before its ready leaving 340k ish dmg left to deal with in 25 seconds before an emp is ready. (math here is 5 seconds for relock after emp then 3 seconds from insta = 8 seconds dmg reduction)

    So the skill aspect is there between these 3 ships I just did not get to run Saturn or Disruptor on this test.
  17. xdxd

    xdxd User

    @Deter will there be HP Link in the Battlepass? would be much appreciated :)
  18. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    The test server has been closed. Thank you for your feedback, we will be sending the feedback in shortly.
    TermiteFan likes this.
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