[GI] Assembly system issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by YourDoomDotCom, Sep 30, 2021.

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  1. Hello, i just recently had an issue with the assembly system in game. I have been trying to grind agate shards to buy the solace damage to npc module (DMG-NPC01). I opened up the assembly tab in game and was going to check how many shards i had, so i clicked the module. To my surprise it showed that i only needed 6k agate shards to buy even though in reality it costs 10k. I checked the image and the description and everything was right so i thought that i had made a mistake and had a wrong price in mind so clicked it all happy thinking i had farmed enough for the module. When i was going to claim it it said it was the hp module for the spearheads (HP-S01), something i had no interest in. It turns out that the images in the assembly tab were bugged and swapped between those 2.

    Was wondering if there was anything you could do, maybe refund the module so i dont lose the agate shards. I didnt even claim it so i show that i really had no intention in building that module and never even used it. It would really suck to have to grind another 6k shards because of something like this. If you need me to provide any other information feel free to ask.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

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