[GI] is botting and pushing allowed?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by f.r.o.s.t.y., Jan 14, 2017.

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  1. is botting and pushing allowed? A reminder for the devs team, when you let the ships go loose, you lose. They are coming back quicker than you expected.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
  2. Short answer is no. The long answer is you have to wait for script to pick it up. If you can prove pushing, submit a support ticket with your proof.
  3. with every change to the script comes bots to counter that script its a losing battle because it just goes round and round best way to fight it is make it downloadable add an anti cheat program to check files for changes with that will come only 1 account can log in at 1 time because the client can only be opened once 2 problems fixed would lower lag as everything would be downloaded to your pc would lower lag because not as much data would be needed if updates was inbound no moaning about cant log in information would say updated needed and more ... so as it stands at the moment pushing and botting will keep going and the slow process of finding them and banning will never end
  4. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello f.r.o.s.t.y.,

    Thank you both for assisting the user with their concern. As we all agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the Game, this is a no. Bots and any Third-party script will be detected by the scripts run by support, and from there any users who were detected shall receive the appropriate punishment which will be posted on Removed users for illegal software. There are very firm instructions that those users must be left to be detected by the scripts, a process which is fair for everybody. There is no way around it, they will get caught it's just a matter of time. It's an exhausted subject but we do post when there is a ban wave.

    Closing as answered.

    Take Care.
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