Support [GI] R-Zone quest not accepting

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ABC™, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. ABC™

    ABC™ User

    I originally posted this on Monday, I’m still waiting for a response from support:

    Several days ago I managed to complete one "R-zone" quest.
    Since then, none of the other R-Zone quest will turn green for acceptance.

    * yes I have enough clear slots, I am still able to accept daily quest.
    * yes I have cleared cache / history and logged out several times.
    * yes I have used several browsers, IE + chrome etc.

    ABC - yes the handsome (and modest) chap :p
    GB1 Server
  2. Hmm this was a common problem back then last winter event wherein "daily event missions and event r-zone missions" would still appear even though its already completed for this day and will still appear daily but cannot be accepted until a specific day will come when it would be available to be accepted (clickable) however I'm sure that the R-zone quest you are pertaining are the normal daily ones as I have not yet encountered that kind of problem similar to yours nor that same of the winter quests problem.
  3. Speculating here - depending on the time, it could be it was supposed to be off already.
  4. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello ABC™,

    Thank you both for assisting the user with their concern. As you have Contacted Support you will need to continue the matter through them.

    Closing as pending Support response.

    Take Care.
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