[GI] Special Characters in name, diff colours

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by CURVY, Feb 3, 2017.

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  1. CURVY

    CURVY User

    So today I was wondering around refractions when all of a sudden i saw a player with a name that had two stars either side as special characters, but the difference was that his name was blue but these stars were green / orange. this looked very sexy and I wish to have this in my name like this also, please may someone advise? :p

    I would've copied his name from outfit box but can't locate him :(
  2. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Dunno about what you are talking about but why don't you whisper him?
  3. CURVY

    CURVY User

    It's the refractions map, i don't think you can whisper, and my chat isn't working at the moment anyway, been in tech section for nearly two days now with it aha
  4. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    So it seems it was a general problem.
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello CURVY,

    Thank you neoonoma for assisting the user with their concern. Will keep an eye out for those crazy characters when I get a chance to log into chat if you have not already found them :)
  6. I found a few for you to try out. I'll add more as I find them. You should just go to your "Hall of Fame" and search some players names, eventually you will find the ones you're looking for.





    Hope these help a bit. Just copy and paste them to a note pad for future reference.

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
    CURVY likes this.
  7. CURVY

    CURVY User

    Superb! thank you!
  8. You're welcome ;)

    CURVY likes this.
  9. ALSO keep a copy of your complete new name somewhere in case you have to re-enter it at login. (copy/paste)
    You will not have these "non normal keyboard " characters to use else wise.
    CURVY likes this.
  10. ☀☼☁☂☔⚡❄❅❆☃☉☄★☆☽☾⌛⌚☇☈⌂⌁⏧✆☎☏☑✓✔⎷⍻✖✗✘☒✕☓☕♿✌☚☛☜☝☞☟☹☺☻☯⚘☮✝⚰⚱⚠☠☢⚔⚓⎈⚒⚑⚐☡❂⚕⚖⚗✇☣⚙☤⚚⚛⚜☥☦☧☨☩†☪☫☬☭✁✂✃✄✍✎✏✐✑✒✉✙✚✜✛♰♱✞✟✠✡☸✢✣✤✥✦✧✩✪✫✬✭✮✯✰✲✱✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✺✻✼✽✾❀✿❁❃❇❈❉❊❋⁕☘❦❧☙❢❣♀♂⚲⚢⚣⚤

    Some copy paste :) I hope u will find something for ya :)
    CURVY likes this.
  11. CURVY

    CURVY User


    Looks pretty neat :p

    Thanks for more suggestions i will refer to this thread when i wish to change my name again :p[​IMG]
  12. Looks great :D

  13. this is what i have so far
  14. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Thank you all for assisting the user with their question. There is a thread in Newbies section regarding "Cool names" and we ask if it's possible that should there be more cool icons for the thread to be updated.

    Closing as referred to How to get a cool name in darkorbit.

    Take care and best of luck with your cool name ;)
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