Support [GI] The indifference of support

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TURKEY¯¯, Jul 11, 2016.

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  1. TURKEY¯¯

    TURKEY¯¯ User

    Hello everyone.My game acc was closed For 30 days. 11.06.2016 DATE.Im emailing the supportfor 5 days butt they dont make a comeback.Now that is over time to ban My Acc I cant login to My Acc.Im tired of running out of patience.this apathy doesnt suit the teamDO . respect labor.good forums. :)
  2. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    As this is already a support issue there is little the mods can do to help as support is already involved and dealing with the issue.
  3. TURKEY¯¯

    TURKEY¯¯ User

    I know him .however, thisindifference, it acc ofthe time of punishment is over.but I cant login to My Account.and cannot reply to my mail for 5 days why ?
  4. Some things take more time. My chat for instance took over 2 months and two support tickets. It is now working, thank goodness. My point is some tickets take some time to get the initial reply and even longer between replies. Why you could not access your account is beyond me as after 30 days, it could be as simple as using the wrong password. Most people need to do things on a daily if not weekly basis in order to remember the proper way to log into an account I have another game I have not logged into for four months and now tonight find myself having difficulty getting in. Its ok, I like DO more anyways. Give them time, there is a lot of junk going on. They contacted me today about my chat issue while I was sleeping. You don't want to see the happy dance I started doing. :p
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello TURKEY¯¯,

    Thank you everyone for assisting the user with their concern. As you have Contacted Support you will need to continue this matter through them. Creating multiple tickets will not make it easier for them.

    Closing as Support response pending.

    -=Fly Safe and Take Care=-
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