[GI] Zeus parts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Krvosauruss, Apr 23, 2020.

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  1. If I have 45 apis parts but don't build it, will I have a higher chance to get zeus parts?
  2. Mod-Rogue

    Mod-Rogue User

    Hello pilot

    the chance will not get higher if you get all apis parts

    The zeus drone is a part for itself ... there are special days when you only can collect it

    hope this helps :https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/zeus-drone-faq.853/

    Got any other question or may I close ?

    Regards Rogue
  3. They are not really false, but more so outdated.

    These answers are from before we had the new Upgrading System in the Assembly (New Assembly & Upgrading System FAQ).

    Since the new System, the Apis and Zeus parts are now unlimited, even if you have all 45 parts for any of the 2 drones, you can still get more parts.
    So the chances for Zeus Parts do not increase anymore if you have a full Apis and don't build it. (They did before tho).