Hitac Returns

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Oddessey, May 2, 2018.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit


    Hello Space Pilots,

    The Hitac returns to Darkorbit on May 3 at 1000LST through May 16 2359LST and is planned to be available 24 hours a day during the event. See the updated Hitac FAQ for more details!

    Your Darkorbit Team
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The HITAC Lottery has been run and all rewards should be credited. Please keep in mind that Pilots are eligible to win more than 1 reward. Happy gaming!

    Your Dark Orbit Team.
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