
Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ℓєgєи∂αяуяσgυє, Sep 16, 2023.

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  1. Not played for a while maybe a year or two but decided to come back today and logged into my account every ship is gone all my credits are gone basically like a new account how can they remove ships and items that have been bought with cash... items that have taken ages to collect.. very dissapointed to be quite honest is this a known issue or what ?
  2. Ask support it's possible your ship was merged so you need to change the server, but support should be able to help.
  3. Make sure you are playing on the right server.
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @ℓєgєи∂αяуяσgυє ,

    As mentioned above, check your active servers as you may have logged into another server from your primary one you played on.
  5. went through support for about 3 days and got absolutely no where i sent them pictures of my game id and name still not enough evidence game is ran by a bunch of jokers clearly they finally start removing botters after years so i decide i wished to play again but NOPE clearly they just removed my account the acount i spent money and time on for whoever reads this please dont run into any issues with this game or you are on your own
  6. What server did you have your account on before?