I can't download the client from web...!!!

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by Azurkohn, Nov 14, 2022.

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  1. Azurkohn

    Azurkohn User

    There is any mirror on the forum for linux version...?

    Thank you !
  2. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @Azurkohn ,

    You will need to use Windows in order to install the client. There is no official Mac or Linux based installer.
  3. Azurkohn

    Azurkohn User

    Ok thank you!


    Still available apparently...but when i trying to download it send me back in my account....over and over again if i still press download.

    Some help please !
    I really want to play but i don't have windows at the moment.

    Thanks a lot !
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Unfortunately without windows there is no supported method to play the game. You will need Windows (Ideally Windows 10 or higher), as well as the minimum specs to play.
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