Immortal Union Event feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, Feb 14, 2020.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please take a few moments to provide us with your constructive feedback for the Immortal Union Event event this month.

    Your Dark Orbit team.
  2. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Same as the protegit one. Nothing new. Takes ~3 hours to finish the objectives, then there is nothing else to do. What is the point? Get useless ship, that nobody will ever use? Meh...
    The only good thing about this are the ABR in objectives.
  3. For those of us that don't have all the bells and whistles on our ships, it's a fine event. However it does appear to be malfunctioning, all the event aliens from x6, x7 and x8 maps have mysteriously vanished. Consequently the rest of the maps are heaving and it's not getting the love it might have!
    Update, event npcs no longer spawning in x5 maps now either!
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    ANZ1996 likes this.
  4. It's nice event but for some reason all event npcs just dissapeared from all higher maps for no reason (x-5,x-6,x-7,x-8) so it's kinda buggy it seems.
  5. Planearium

    Planearium User

    Hello is there a reason I can't find any event NPCs to shoot? It says they spawn on x-2 all the way to x-8 (excluding pvp maps) but I literally didn't find a single one, and the event tab said "No Lanatum here"
    How do I play this event? Do NPCs spawn at certain times and I must be lucky to shoot a couple or what?
  6. omegalul

    omegalul User

    Really boring event, npc rewards are underwhelming compared to previous events and the battlepass + craft event items takes less than hour to complete. There is definetly no justification to make the event last for 2 weeks when it really lacks in content.
  7. **Owl**

    **Owl** User

    its a joke theres that many programs running ( BOTS) none of my hotkeys will work, come on DO sort the sodin game out!!!
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  8. Good ammo, ABR and uri rewards, ty DO
  9. Why do you keep restarting the server??? What is going on?
  10. mmm broke again, awesome work guys, go back to dev pointless new ships!!!
  11. bugpoint takes the money and runs away agin, event broke after server crashed 5 times
  12. why have they turned off the aliens they say certain amount to be killed bu no timer when they will be turned back on?.

    feed back, they even is really nice, can find the aliens easy with pet locator i find it great that these aliens are different strengths on different maps and makes it more challenging, but by taking away these a limited times and shedding no information is frustrating players and the ship looks really nice. please at least update what you are doing in forms information to us is vital in events.
    boggy52 likes this.
  13. boggy52

    boggy52 User

    Pretty disappointed that there's no communication regarding the failed event and when it may or may not be fixed. I can understand it going wrong but not giving us any information or any presence in chat or on the forum is a bit of an insult, in my opinion.
    NAMIKAZE_NARUTO likes this.
  14. Every map but x-2 hasn't event NPCs.

    I like the battle pass quests though, they are easy enough for non-hard core players.
  15. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    Skill: Incinerate
    "Players in the same company as well as players in the same group don’t get damaged"

    This is interesting, does it mean those in enemy clans from your company won't be affected by the ability - Seems a little broken.,.
  16. buggy event . shards don't count correct in assembly.
    according to my objectives , i collected at least 4 times the amount of resources that are shown in assembly.
    also had to fly to vru maps to find the npc because mmo maps did'nt have them .
  17. HEY-YOU

    HEY-YOU User

    I notice massive lag spikes when the the bosses EMP and run, And all the npc's fail to respawn in some maps when the event is running.
  18. CAN U AT LEAST ONCE GET SOMETHING RIGHT, hotkeys not working laggy, cant switch configs, have to re -log evey 2 mins, come on guys this is utter rubbish.
  19. LUL

    LUL User

    There should be a trade system where you could trade 100 Styxus Fragments for 100 Charopos, because you can't simply choose what you are going to shoot, you will shoot only the nearest to you
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