Kuiper Gate Launch Event FAQ

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 19, 2015.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Kuiper Gate Launch Event FAQ

    This event celebrates the launch of the new Kuiper Gate and provides several options to obtain Kuiper Gate parts (daily login bonus, booty boxes).

    - Streuner Bonus Boxes
    - Streuner Booty Boxes
    - 1 event mission
    - 1 event challenge mission
    - Permanent changes:
    o New Streuner NPCs on the maps:
    • Recruit Streuner
    • Aider Streuner
    o Streuner NPCs ignore players until they are being attacked
    o StreuneR NPC will be rebalanced
    o 2 new missions

    When is this event going to happen?

    The Kuiper Gate launch event will be celebrated from:
    Start time: 19 November 2015
    End time: 25 November 2015, 23:59h

    Note. Missions will start on 20 November 2015.

    Where can I get Kuiper Gate parts?
    During the launch event Kuiper Gate parts can be obtained from
    - daily login bonus during the event time frame
    o 1 part from 1st to 2nd login in a row
    o 2 parts from 3rd to 5th login in a row​
    - Streuner Booty Boxes, chance to get 5 parts

    And, of course, you can simply use the galaxy gate materializer like with any other galaxy gate, too.

    Your Dark Orbit Team.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 19, 2015
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