lag or freeze? Hard to say....

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Aug 26, 2023.

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  1. Again, the Global America server. It is hard to say whether the game regularly freezes, or constantly lags. 15 to 20 seconds lag, a freeze for 30 seconds. You can´t fight anyone or anything that way. I am only persevering because I am close to level 50 on the season pass...

    Can someone in DO get their act together and solve this problem. Or at least write a message to explain and give an idea when this will be resolved?
  2. Hey bro,
    at GE1 we have the same problem. Actually since weeks.
    The game is unplayable, can't login, map is not loading etc.
    Since weeks.

    Its a total mess to be honest.
    I hope we'll get a solution soon.
    And no code for 10.000 Rsb and 100 WIZ rockets.

    Best regards
  3. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @TheDutchAvenger ,unfortunately the game has been under DDoS attacks on and off for an extended period of time. The game team is WELL aware of this, and are doing what they can to mitigate/stop it.
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