Lookin for active Clan (Global Europe 5)

Discussion in 'Clans' started by ¤»Soul3at3R«¤, Jan 16, 2018.

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  1. Hello fellow space pilots,

    Returning pilot lv19 is looking for active clan on Global Europe 5.
    Not UFE yet, I am working on it but seems like i have a lot to catch up :/
    10 Drones at lv 8 / 3-Havoc
    12 LF-4 / 2 at lv 7 and 3 at lv 6, rest 0
    P.E.T. lv17
    Ships:- Venom, Spectrum, Diminisher, Citadel, Aegis, Spearhead, G-Bastion,Enforcer, Exalted, Veteran, Razer Goli.
    Pilot Bio Points 27.
    Company: VRU

    For more details contact me either here or in game:

    Looking forward to get acquainted.

    Fly safe :)
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
    Odin® likes this.
  2. furore

    furore User

    hi :)

    if you are EIC, you are welcome to join us in Trek :).
  3. Oh I'm VRU :/ ... Forgot to mention.
    Thanks anyway :)

    Last edited by moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  4. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hiya ¤»Soul3at3R«¤,

    Welcome back!

    It is always advisable to ask for a clan in game chat Newcomer tab or ask someone on team-speak, discord, or outfit chat as you will get much faster response.
  5. upsadaisy

    upsadaisy User

    send app to star they accept most ppl