NCP Locks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Spydas1stBaby, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. Hi, Ever since yesterday i've been losing locks on my ncps when someone helps me. I always shoot first but when the ncps is on its death run and someone helps i lose the lock. happened to me 15 times so far. Is it a game glitch or something? Thank you.
  2. Yes i have noticed it too that if i shoot a new npc its red to me until someone comes and helps and it turns to the other color and not red to me. i dont know whats the issue is it that the lowest dmg maker will get it or what?
  3. I believe unless you are in an outfit, the marker will go to the person Dealing the highest damage. Are you still getting the rewards for the kill?
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    The red lock issue has been around for a little while. >Here< is a thread on the subject that has been answered by a mod.
  5. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Spydas1stBaby

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    This is an issue which has been a problem for quite a while, although it seems to have escalated recently (it is usually more noticeable on the boss-classes of NPC compared to the regular ones). We have passed it on to Support for further investigation - hopefully it will be corrected soon.

    Closing, as this rests with Support.

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