No connection to server

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Generalisten, Aug 1, 2024.

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  1. Hi,

    Played the game on and off from 2010. Restarted playing last week. Today I logged on in the morning without problem. Then tried to log on to a server a couple of hours later and now i am unable to connect to a server.
    I played on Scandinavian 2 before, don´t think that one exists no more.
    When I change to another server I lose everything on my ships and my stats. But I can connect to a server. I have made a case to the support.

    Is the problem related to that my account is locked to the old server or is it something else?
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  2. test020

    test020 User

    you need to look at the server list to see which server your account was merged to, it's the globe near the house.
    also unable to connect to a server as in you get infinite loading computer or you got kicked off from your account and need to type everything again but can't?
    the first one is a server issue, might depend on your server being overloaded and whatnot and the second you need help from the support, though since you managed to connect to the forums i'd say it's the first issue, you just have to wait if i'm honest because people logging multiple accounts for their choo choo clan battle station fights that happens in certain servers, populated servers have this issue more often than dead servers, you could try swapping ships to see if you can login on a map that isn't crowded but it's not 100% chance you'll be able to login.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  3. Bombard

    Bombard User

    i just quit to play scand 2, so it is there playable..
  4. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Technically it doesn't really, but you still select that "server" to accesss your account on the merged server and it says you are on that server still. Since "servers" haven't been renamed or anything, like below example image shows it just still says on a Scandinavia server(which is a blatant lie :rolleyes:).

    Servers that were merged together (<thread someone made explaining about it)

    "Unable to connect to server"

    At least sounds like mean stuck on loading into the actual in-game/star maps, which from what can see via DO's Discord server GE3* seems to be at least one of the servers having issues at moment still(cant connect to quite a few maps etc). (although maybe just is only GE3, or most affected, I'm not totally sure. But seems there is still some general issues at moment, at least for me even forum is being dodgy at times)

    It's possible it is due to that, which can also try changing your active ship which is on different maps, to see if able to load in. (though then probably means may need to avoid some maps, until issue is gone)

    *GE3(Global Europe 3) is the server Scandinavia 2 was merged into.
    (but of course, selecting GE3 on the server menu wont show your merged server account(SK2 in this example). Would just appear as starting from scratch again, if not played on that specific server before)

    (Above is from bug reports channel on DO Discord, so at least definitely has been reported. Not sure why said it as "instance 277", but that is GE3(they have said both before, instead of just "instance 277" like this time)
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024