Open Beta/client download test server feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Jun 10, 2020.

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  1. neeze

    neeze User

    please just hurry up with the Unity client because this client is a very bad solution
  2. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    If you want to do any thing you have X out and start over, Example go to discord from you the home link on Do it will either take you there or give you an error, and you can't back up to previous page, the only way out is hit the X button, and it takes completely out of game beta and you have relog-in, same with all other options especially forums, it won't let go back to previous page ,you have get completely out of Forums and go back in.
  3. I never had any problem with it loading or any with the passwords. That aspect of the download seemed to work right .I was concerned with the communities doubts about the security of the program and whether or not it would be more or less susceptible to hackers. It obviously did not prevent botters from maintaining their ships in the game . And that was my greatest hope , that botters would not be able to monopolize the playing field.
    {Come-Back-Kid} and AVIT like this.
  4. Lol, on my server at least, (ordinary one, not test) there are never any to watch, so don't worry about that. If you click to watch one it just says not available. So, that might be the issue you're having.
  5. I think I'm kinda late in the whole testing thing, but I would like to provide my feedback:

    The client has been running perfectly as of this reply. I'm using a Sony Vaio VPCCW21FX
    System Specs:
    Processor: Intel Core i3-330M
    GPU: Geforce 310M
    RAM: 3GB
    OS: Windows 10 Pro

    Although the Game Settings are all 'LOW',
    The game runs smooth and thats whats important
    to me at least.
    500mb RAM more or less is being used.


    Thats all I got! :D
  6. Is there an issue with this download option currently or does it only work with Windows 10? TY
  7. I decide to stick with my browser and I was never able to log on to test sever. (I still don't have confidence in the downloaded version). That ship has sailed . And I was not able to benefit from the bonuses that were offered for logging on. I think that DO should offer all players at least 50% of that log in bonus just for the hassle of even trying and in compensation for their inadequate launch . I may be wrong but a test server should be available to all who want to log on.

  8. I am unable to have downloaded anything it has always failed to open.
  9. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing as end of test server.
  10. OK by me.
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