Pet randomly stops collecting chromin

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by DefenderOfMMO, Apr 9, 2023.

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  1. After all these years, the PET is still broken. When my cargo is full because of my PET collecting cargo boxes although i dont want it to (but guess BP does not care enough to implement a simple "disable cargo box collection" button) it randomly stops collecting chromin for about 30 seconds. it also sometimes gets stuck trying to collect cargo boxes. Will that ever be fixed?
    ultrafemina likes this.
  2. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @DefenderOfMMO ,

    Please provide the following so that a bug report can be made:

    - User ID
    - Server
    - Time (Local Server Time) it occurred (for each instance it occurs)
  3. And then what? I have already reported it several times and nothing has happened.
  4. Been there myself and asked the same question had sent videos with no action taken, pets have major issues on multiple accounts.

    Have a feeling all the problems came after accounts were merged. Cheers
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  5. MRR

    MRR User

    Has been an issue ever before server merge
  6. Bombard

    Bombard User

    My P.E.T sometimes,
    instead of collecting or even moving, stays in place at the gate,
    and even if I jump to the third map,
    it's just standing there in the first one,
    and the problem goes away when I close the game page,
    but on restarting the pet takes an extra bit of fuel, annoying and consuming fuel
  7. these bugs are from years they can't fix it
    and even implemented new bugs already not fix

    yeah this is true about the fuel comsumption ,
    PET randomly stop his activation when jump or go to passive mode

    another big problem with the PET is a bug that consumes fuel, also with the combined protection mechanism.
    using the protective mode of PET even if you have not installed such a mechanism, it takes you as much fuel as for an installed mechanism or 35% more because of useing the same shortcut button.
    if you use a PET menu and go to protective mode fuel consumption is normal insted of useing a shortcut button
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 17, 2023
  8. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing - Didn't receive requested troubleshooting info
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